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  1. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Yes, I am serious. (Oh, that you would respond so succinctly). Again, you refrain from answering my questions. I have to assume from what you wrote that you really do think that Arg has now become a totalitarian state, i.e., a state as defined by Merriam Webster as "of or relating to centralized...
  2. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Bajo, I appreciate that English is your second language so this may be a strong contributing factor why you avoid answering questions - questions that arise from your confusing posts. I asked you what it was that I wrote previously that is the basis for your assertion that the legal system in...
  3. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    What advice did I offer you (other than to infer you should stop drinking). Be specific. So it is your position that the congressional vote to remove immunity and the subsequent arrest (even with denial of bail by a 3 judge panel) indicates Arg is now acting like a totalitarian state. Don't you...
  4. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    What the heck means " the whole legal basis you defense is here wrong." What are you talking about? What was the "legal basis I defense?" Evidence obtained in what way is coercion? Dd I say there was a way to obtain evidence that you think constitutes coercion? Be specific. I can't follow your...
  5. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    In the US , to lie under oath is itself a crime. It isn't in Arg?
  6. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    What does this mean? 2 people ...who , what? Ok, so in Argentina, someone sentenced to 3 years or more can't vote. So what? Other countries and other jurisdictions have similar but not exactly the same kind of laws. p.s. You say 80% of the people arrested in Arg are convicted. Does that take...
  7. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    Bajo, did you answer this? I really can't tell if your gobbledygook was intended as an answer.
  8. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    Bajo, you think you are winning an argument (s), but frankly, I think you are deluded. Glad you had a nice dinner conversation with Nils, apparently an author of some material you think persuasive, however, I challenge you to support your assertion that American courts use jails (the criminal...
  9. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Bajo , I did not practice criminal law in the US much less in Arg. However, if I were an Arg lawyer I would be slow to make fun of the law in other jurisdictions (i.e the "are you from Cuba" nonsense). From what I can tell, the legal system here is broken in many ways. As far as needing a court...
  10. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    <p> In your comment #18 above, you criticized expats here for acting unjustly - of ignoring the evidence in a
  11. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    True. Not only presumption of innocence, but the exercise/maintenance of civil and often human rights as well. Everyone likes to make fun of lawyers until they need one. Bajo may do laudable work for his clients and even for society in general (as he earlier alluded to working to limit human...
  12. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    In the US criminal justice system (with which I am passingly familiar) a person may be held in contempt of court for willful nondisclosure of information known to him relevant to the commission of a crime by others. He may be given immunity for certain related crimes if need be to avoid the...
  13. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    It appears that either you are "losing it" completely or have been drinking since your return from Zapala. The aphorism cited by Ben above and to which you make reference was aptly used by him to justify a restriction on the rights of some to vote. (I always thought it was attributed to the...
  14. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    Are you trying to say that it is an abuse of one's human or civil rights to deny the right to vote to convicted felons? By the way, does the article you linked above in #11 say convicted felons have the right to vote in Arg or only " las personas detenidas sin condena.?"
  15. J

    Prisoners Vote As Well

    Another nonsensical non-sequitur. What is your point ? Be specific.
  16. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    Wrong. You do not know the meaning of the word "arrest." To arrest is to take someone into custody, i.e., to limit their freedom. Persons suspected of a crime are first arrested and then appear before a judge to ascertain if bail is required or not. In certain cases bail is denied. The risk of...
  17. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    You asked me if I were from Cuba. I don't see where you asked that of Ben. I am not from Cuba. Why would think that relevant ? Is there some point about justice in Cuba you think obvious? What is it? I'm sorry, Bajo, your English is so poorly structured that it is confusing and therefor hard to...
  18. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    The "cases?" Isn't this thread about the one case of De Vido? What other cases are you generalizing about in your condemnation of this expat readership's fact-ignoring, bloodthirsty quest for mob justice? In fact, I'm interested in discussing the merits of the De Vido case. As pointed out...
  19. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    What makes you think that the judges are arresting people because the mob or the President wants them to and judges are not applying the law (if that is, in fact, what you intended to say)? How does the de Vido arrest relate to this belief of yours? Wasn't he arrested for corruption...
  20. J

    A Sad Day For All Cristina Vido Detained

    What the heck is the meaning "of people voted congresmen (sic), not judges?" Why is it a sad day for democracy because of it (whatever it means)? What are you trying to say?