Measuring the weakening of the USD in the last couple of years....
Looking at the currency conversion chart - - one can see that a USD bought 15.8 pesos at end of 2/2016. Based upon Friday's Ambito rates, I believe I can get 20.6 pesos...
The Economist ranking is dated 9/2017 and based on USD comparative data somewhat prior to that date. At the time the data was collected the Brasilian real was at a point about 8% stronger vs the USD than it is now. Accordingly, I would submit that Bs As is now more expensive based on USD...
Back to the topic of this thread.....
First, I don't comprehend your statement purporting to render "international norms" as nonsensical. International norms refers to the cost of living throughout the world. It is applicable to analyze the relative cost of living for those in and out Bs As...
When I said I could not empathize with those complaining that it is unfair that Bs As are approaching international norms, I was referring to expats (like myself) who are living on USD or other foreign currency, not to residents (or expats) who earn pesos. Obviously, one can empathize with the...
Unfortunately, things are going to get worse, a lot worse, before they improve. The firing of Sec of State, Tillerson, yesterday, spooked the stock market. Expect a lot of volatility in the markets until Trump is out - via impeachment or otherwise.
Hi liz, Welcome to a new thread. A chance for a fresh start to share your legal scholarship.
When I first arrived in May 1975, I met up with a local businessman at a nice bar fronting Plaza Vincente Lopez. He was complaining about the high prices of everything. As proof of his complaint, he...
Claims to be a lawyer. (I'll give odds on that one.) Delusional / clinical schizophrenia in my opinion.
Fond of threatening libel suit and also seeks to intimidate the admin into shutting down this thread exposing a convicted charlatan sex predator by suggesting it is involved in "admittedly...
I am not sufficiently fluent in Spanish nor familiar with Argentine criminal court process to comprehend fully the court documents that have been posted. However, the name "Celeste" is indeed mentioned in the docs and I have to presume based upon explanations of the docs above that...
Why don't you just ask the administrator to remove the document if you think it appropriate that it be removed? I have no idea if any of your reasoning holds water, but based upon your previous rants, I'd bet that it doesn't - just more weird rant..And since when does the mere mention of the...
lizlaz24- are you Jack Brooke(r) or Len Schwartz or what? Your rant is so weird it appears to be the ravings of a mad man.
p.s. Sue me if you believe you have been libeled.
p.p.s. Libel cause of action can not be based on the utterance of opinions. I repeat - it is my opinion your rant appears...
I understand that you need to have money imported to Argentina whether pesos or USD, but as a "p.s." I'm pretty sure the legal tender of Arg may not be refused for payment of any kind in Argentina. If you have an enforceable contract whether the rent is expressed in USD or not, the LL is...
Most recently, I lived in NYC for 2 years until 2017, large blocks of time in Bs As since 2004 (bought an apt in 2008 and married to a Portena) and now also live part-time in Miami. If you think dining out in Bs As is more expensive than NYC or Miami, IMO you are not well informed. Eating for...
Contrary to your "nothing more to add" sign off....I would appreciate some clarification. I'm not sure I get your point. With whom do I empathize? (don't see where I indicated empathizing with anyone). The royal "We" represents what group of persons? Expats who have to tighten their belt because...
Expats can bemoan the failure of the selling price of the USD to keep pace with the rate of inflation and the concomitant increase in the cost of living in BA for those living on USD. However, my current part-time maid costs me 100 pesos /hour.That is about $5/hour which is about 20% of what I...
Though she can answer for herself I suspect gracielle means private, home care type of nursing...and to the extent she does, she has reason to make this assertion.
There is a difference between creating a public disturbance, harassment, actionable threats etc on the one hand and freedom to express yourself aka free speech on the other. Basic US Constitutional law. Some utterances are not permitted so it is not permitted to shout "fire" in a crowded...