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  1. B

    BA versus Santiago

    I like big cities, but honestly NYC I probably a larger city than I'd prefer. Mendoza however is much smaller than I'd like to move to.
  2. B

    BA versus Santiago

    Ah well, I don't drink so the cost of liquor or offerings of amazing wines isn't an issue.
  3. B

    BA versus Santiago

    Lol...seriously, what is with the posts...everyone else is helpful.
  4. B

    BA versus Santiago

    Thanks for all the great commentary. I will be adding Santiago to my list of cities to visit prior to ultimately moving (I'll be moving with just a couple suitcases to start until i get settled). The smaller cities aren't really a consideration for me since I do have the big city mentality...
  5. B

    BA versus Santiago

    Also to note, I'm 28 years old.
  6. B

    BA versus Santiago

    I know you're sick and tired of these...yes I've read the comparisons. Ultimately I'll have to visit to make my decision. That said, if anyone has any opinions considering my circumstances, I'd love to hear them. From the start, I've been leaning towards BA, but now while more carefully...