[quote name='T'Brigadier']There is no comparation between santi vs BA cristh sake. BA its in the same level than NY, Tokio, Rome. Santiago can only be comparated with Mendoza.[/QUOTE]
Ouch!! I agree wholeheartedly with the general consensus that BA is much better than Santiago. However, I split my time between Mendoza and BA and feel the need to defend Mendoza. While no one would ever confuse it with BA, in the 5 years I have been here, I've come to really appreciate its charm and offerings.
I've always considered myself a big city person, but the more time I spend in Mendoza, the less I feel the need to visit BA. As the OP indicated, he's interested in recreational opportunities, and they're great here--everything from cycling to horseback riding in the mountains to paragliding. And I'm also gay. There's a much quieter scene here in Mendoza, but it does exist.