Search results

  1. M

    Are We Doing Anything For The 4Th Of July?

    I'd love to, but unfortunately I work until 19:00 in Martinez. And my boss (from Chicago) included this in an email to the whole company this morning: "[Mimyr], please cover us from 11am till 1230. (Argentina match)." FML
  2. M

    Are We Doing Anything For The 4Th Of July?

    I'd be interested in doing something! I haven't really been a part of the expat community, but I've been here 4 months now and have been getting the urge to bond with some fellow yanquis.
  3. M

    Trying To Move Asap To Buenos Aires

    I agree with the above, I recommend moving. Even if you get an incredibly expensive U.S. liberal arts degree, you're even less likely to find a job with it in the U.S. than you are here. And like Joe mentioned, why saddle yourself with all that debt for nothing? Since you're bilingual, there's a...
  4. M

    Argentina Buying 30-Year-Old Israeli Fighter Jets

    I want to know who in Argentina thinks that the threat of invasion is great enough to justify spending millions of dollars of fighter jets. Also, what would be so bad in the event of such an invasion succeeding? Is Brazil going to rape and pillage? For the citizens, it probably wouldn't be much...
  5. M

    Latest Financial Problem: Peso Shortage At Banks

    This is the whole problem with social democratic governments. The capitalist sector will never cooperate with the government when they're trying to push a socialist agenda without actually having a socialized economy. Capitalism and socialism are fundamentally incompatible, and Peronism seeks to...
  6. M

    2 Jobs, One Work Visa?

    Ok. So basically, I should apply for separate work visas for each company to cover my bases.
  7. M

    Recommend A Good Spanish Class Or Teacher

    I'm looking for something similar (although on a beginner level). It seems that intensive courses dominate the market, but that's difficult to do if you're already working 20+ hours a week. Something between 6-10 hours a week seems ideal. Currently taking lessons from a tutor, but a group...
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    2 Jobs, One Work Visa?

    Oh, the IT company isn't aware that I am even working for anyone else right now. As far as I can tell, they ARE going to sponsor me for a work visa, that's what that $600ARS is for (they are actually going to compensate me for this after 90 days). And I'd prefer not to quit at all with the...
  9. M

    2 Jobs, One Work Visa?

    Why does the IT company sound confused? Their HR sent me a list of required steps: 1) PASSPORT: This document must be in force and in good condition and submitted with a full set of copies including blank pages. Just to take into consideration: if the passport is not in international format...
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    2 Jobs, One Work Visa?

    I recently arrived to start working as an English teacher for an institute that's sponsoring me for getting a work visa/DNI. However, I recently interviewed for a tech firm that also wanted to hire me, but they can't hire me without having a DNI. They like me enough that they also want to...
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    Interview With Edward Snowden - Banned In Usa

    He was a CIA operative that praised wars for their ability to land him a nice job: [/font][/color] The main reason he came out with this stuff was because he was upset about the invasion of privacy, domestically. Which is great, but I still can't consider him a hero, since he seems to take a...
  12. M

    Hello From California

    Thanks for the welcome, all! :) Hi Katie! I already had an EFL certification (CELTA) that I got back in 2011, although I didn't have any experience actually teaching. But I applied to a few institutes (it's the institutes you'll want to target, not schools) and was offered a position teaching...
  13. M

    Hello From California

    Thanks! I hail from Sonoma County here. :) San Diego is beautiful. I lived in Oceanside for a summer (not beautiful) and always enjoyed my trips down there. I'm going to miss Mexican food, I'll tell you what!
  14. M

    Looking For Roommates

    I'll be moving into BA at the end of February, and probably looking for a place shortly after that. Assuming you aren't looking for only female flatmates (24 y.o. guy here), I'd be up to looking for a place with you, if the timeframe works.
  15. M

    Hello From California

    I visited BA in November, and fell in love with the city (and the friend that I was there to visit). I recently landed a job teaching EFL, and will be moving into Caballito on February 26th. Quite looking forward to it and joining the expat community in this beautiful city!
  16. M

    The Emerging Argentinian Crisis

    Right, WSWS is the publication by the Socialist Equality Party (SEP), a Trotskyist group based in the U.S. They broke from the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in the 60s.