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  1. G

    Dangers of pulling out money at atms

    Funny, since the limit is 1000 Pesos per withdrawl these days. I mean, damn, things never change.
  2. G

    2 Dead in Another Building Collapse in Palermo

    LAtoBA, I wasn't excusing anyone from responsibility or saying it was any less worse because it was just the mezzanine level. I was adding to your post so that as many facts as possible were available. And yes, Durlock is basically plaster board. That is why it is ridiculous that the GCBA could...
  3. G

    GCBA, CNRT & the irresponsibility of Empresas de Colectivos

    So I decided to start a new thread to discuss what is being done to improve the safety factor in the cities as related to the public bus system in the wake of the 22 deaths in the past year, ideas of what should be done, and to hear some peoples stories of problems with buses. I was inspired to...
  4. G

    2 Dead in Another Building Collapse in Palermo

    Those were my thoughts as well. Reading a little bit further, the loft area (this is how I will translate entrepiso from now on) was made out of durlock and aluminum with some wood support. In my mind horrible construction, and it blows my mind that according to the GCBA the "entrepiso" figured...
  5. G

    2 Dead in Another Building Collapse in Palermo

    It was not the building that collapsed this time, but instead the "entrepiso" - a lofted level of the building set aside as the VIP area. I have serious questions how this construction was approved, since it seems from what I have read it was made out of durlock, not the best construction...
  6. G

    I want to`play sports(soccer and basketball)

    I dont think you are going to find anywhere that is free. There are many groups that organize soccer matches, but you have to pay your share for the field. As for basketball, same thing, and your best bet would just to go to a club. I suppose you could just wander around to different plazas and...
  7. G

    Banana Bread?

    Most dieteticas will sell cheapy bread pans that you can use for Banana Bread. As for purchasing, I have never had a desire but Día sells all kinds of different budíns and they might have a banana, as well as your local bakery.
  8. G

    The Reason

    Lucas, I hope you are joking and do know that La Nación is a separate company... But I am sure that you have a theory about that as well. I wonder how Grupo Szpolski can afford to distribute more copies of the free "El Argentino" daily government propoganda piece? In answer to the subject, La...
  9. G

    Fibertel getting slow

    Constructive comment... My Fibertel has been working fine, sometimes it gets a little bit slower at peak times, but nothing more than usual. I check it every so often with and as long as I am testing using a local testing server I am above 3 Megs, and when I test with Chicago I am...
  10. G

    Fibertel protest demonstration

    I hope you do not regard "El Argentino" as a good newspaper, that government biased crap makes me want to cry for the fall of good journalism...
  11. G

    How to use bags of milk

    Porta Sachet if you wish to know how to ask for it. They cost like 4 pesos in any Chino or Supermarket.
  12. G

    Argentine abortion rate climbs

    Really? I am pretty sure I have gone with my girlfriend to get the pill, when she did not have any health insurance, and it costs under 20 pesos. I would say that is easy and cheap, but I am a man so who am I to say. I do agree that abortion should be legalized, but there has to be something...
  13. G

    Changes for "permatourists"

    I am an ignorant tax evading foreigner now? Even though I am working on finding a job that makes me legal, and as a recent university graduate I have 0 income and 0 worldwide assets (negative worldwide assets actually). Watch how you use that word when you dont know people's situation. Bajo...
  14. G

    Changes for "permatourists"

    I am just gonna chime in here with a personal experience. I have been living here since January, left for Colonia before my first 90 days, and on July 6 went to immigrations to get a extension. Extension was granted without questions, even though that would obviously put me over the 180 days in...
  15. G

    Iran ( Persia) Nuclear War Possible

    I agree with Steve on this one, a little bit to illogical for something from these criminal masterminds... Anyways, when I see someone post a link from PrisonPlanet I just laugh and move on.
  16. G

    Night of some jazz

    How late is he playing, do you know?
  17. G


    Using the term Latin America and Latin Americans was not started by the United States, but by France upon their invasion of Mexico. No one here is saying that Argentines, Paraguayans, Ecuadorians, Chileans, Uruguayans, Brazilians, Columbians, Mexicans, Guatemalans, Costa Ricans, Puerto Ricans...
  18. G

    NY Post: What's the deal with Buenos Aires?

    Seconded. I was talking to a friend just the other day, and she was saying she just couldn't see Buenos Aires getting anywhere in the world because of the out of control corruption and poverty. I always try to be the voice of optimism, because I truly believe things are and will get better, and...
  19. G


    ...Probably not, I think the whole issue probably wasn't heavily discussed or thought about at that time, the rest of America was under Spanish, Portuguese of French rule at the time anyways. Plus, I think it was taken that each citizen would primarily be a citizen of their state and after a...
  20. G

    MUST apostille FBI letter

    It has an embossed seal (you can feel it) and the signature of a department chief.