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  1. G

    Xoom Question?

    I have succesfully transferred money using Xoom to my wife's bank account without any troubles. Truthfully, I don't believe it is a bank to bank transfer, but rather an agent from More Money that takes the money, and deposits it in the desired bank via self-service machine. No problems though...
  2. G

    Coffee for stovetop espresso

    I buy our house's coffee in Chacarita - Take the 39 to it's terminal, it is just across the street! This is a shop that roasts and sells beans and grounds to different cafes and restaurants throughout the city. I found it since I lived on the other side of...
  3. G

    Making a joke out of insecurity

    Truthfully, I found it a little bit funny at first. But then I was a little bit disgusted as I realize that this seems to be what many Kirchneristas actually believe. I hope that those in power take crime more seriously than what this comic depicts...
  4. G

    Making a joke out of insecurity

    I am not one to start a thread/conversation normally, but I saw this today and I couldn't resist. Pagina 12 (a officialist leaning newspaper) always features a small comic in the upper right hand of their online version with a political cartoon for the day. Usually these are just fun little...
  5. G

    Squatters on 'El's' land! What will they do now?

    This is one of the worst posts I have seen on this forum.... First, because you are implying that the land belongs to Nestor Kirchner, which it does not. Secondaly because you dont even make an attempt at translating the gist of the article for non-spanish speakers. For those non-spanish...
  6. G

    Argentina decides to control oil firm YPF

    Haha... Wish you could take that back now...I agree it didnt make sense to privatise back then, and I highly doubt they will be able to nationalize now, but I think this article just drives home how...
  7. G

    Trouble in San Telmo

    ...Um...Barrio Norte is not a real neighborhood bud, Recoleta is one of the 48 Barrios of CABA...
  8. G

    No Wire Transfers Anymore?

    Last time I did a wire transfer was probably around a year and a half ago - through Banco Piano. All of the banks used to be able to do it, although it wasn't necessarily cheap. I know that Santander Rio, where I have my wage account, can do it, but it was kind of wacky, because they wouldn't...
  9. G

    New SUBE rule?

    As far as I remember the rule was always that you could not use one SUBE to pay for multiple trips, but they have always let you, since there is no actual restriction in the system. It could be that they will now start to try and enforce it, but I today paid for myself and my wife on a couple of...
  10. G

    Register marriage @US Embassy?

    I am pretty sure that the K3 visa is only applicable if they are planning on living in the US, which seems is not the case. I still have not found a way to register my marriage with the US, and I feel like it could be a point of conflict when my wife goes to renew her US Tourist Visa, so let me...
  11. G

    SUBE Card - Transit More Expensive for Expats?

    No Scott, at the moment there is no way to recharge the SUBE other than going to a charge point and paying cash. One of the problems with the system that I believe will have to be worked out quickly after (semi) obligatory implementation. Magoya, I am done arguing with you. As the graph from...
  12. G

    SUBE Card - Transit More Expensive for Expats?

    Thanks BradyHale for the graphic, I think it points out that just someone living here, even if not legal, pays in a good amount to the system through IVA as someone who is a resident. Magoya, I dont think you are thoroughly reading my post. I am not saying visitors or tourists are entitled to...
  13. G

    SUBE Card - Transit More Expensive for Expats?

    Kettle, I apologize if my post came across as a personal attack. Stupid is being used as an adjective for the argument of Magoya, no more, no less. Magoya, please inform me what these higher fraction of taxes are... As a non-resident living in Argentina I payed the same taxes as I now pay as a...
  14. G

    SUBE Card - Transit More Expensive for Expats?

    I think your post is ignorant. I would argue that most foreigners who live here and use the bus are paying the exact same amount of taxes as natives. I never said I was against a non-subsidized fare for tourists/visitors, just pointed out that your argument of non-residents living here not...
  15. G

    SUBE Card - Transit More Expensive for Expats?

    Dont be stupid. Anyone who lives here and purchases the daily necessities is paying taxes (via IVA as well as supporting the local businesses who pay IIBB & the rest of the fun taxes).
  16. G

    Jambalaya & Pecan Pie

    And the cost??
  17. G

    El Calafate

    In addition to our short escape to Uruguay (as mentioned in a previous thread), we will be heading down to El Calafate for a little longer of a stay. I wanted to just put out a call for any recommendations about this trip. Such as, is it better to fly LAN or Aerolineas? Best Hotels? Good...
  18. G

    Estancias near Colonia, Uruguay

    Hey guys, My wife and I are preparing for a visit from my brother and his wife. We are planning on making a short two day, one night hop over to Colonia during the second week of March. I have already been to Colonia many a time, and know that more than an afternoon can get a little dry in the...
  19. G

    IT Team lead salary?

    10K gross is a pretty good salary. My bro-in-law makes 10K net for the same title, but he is in charge of 10 developers and has worked in the company for quite a while. Whichever way you look at it, after 3 or 4 months of trial, it is pretty normal to ask for a 10-20% raise, not least of all to...
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    what is the story with Eki?

    Less expensive, bad quality, no variety, horrible logistics