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  1. E

    Cristina To Pay Back Some Money Taken From The State

    OK - not, perhaps, as juicy as you would like to hear, but the title is true, as far as it goes. Seems Cristina has been receiving a pension for both being the widow of an ex-president, and as...
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    Xoom + A F I B

    I agree with Nikad - they are tightening things up: it's getting harder to live in the shadows for those who live, or have lived, fairly carefree here. Another example is that it is getting more difficult to rent long-term without proof of local income (and that can be money imported, if you...
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    Is This A Taste Of Something New And Needed?

    I consider myself somewhat of a foodie, though of a somewhat more common food variety, one might say, as opposed to molecular gastronomy, for example, or even high gourmet. But yeah, to me Rich One's list of items, with maybe an addition of ham and apple pie, is pretty much a Thanksgiving...
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?

    TWB, I think you missed my point (though I must admit it was dispersed among a couple of posts). It was not about Argentina lowering import duties, lowering taxes on businesses and individuals and generally making things easier, cheaper and more efficient to business. We all know that should...
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?

    This is a kind of tongue-in-cheek comparison and I know it doesn't have anything to do with Argentina (nor many expats who are not Americans, though perhaps yes with many who think the US should have a system like their own country's) - but I wonder how many Obama supporters still continue to...
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?

    Ries, I have to say that I understand where you are coming from, but I believe you are thinking in terms of how to get a US service functioning here in Argentina. Really, you shouldn't have to get Amazon to send something here - there should be an Amazon-like service here that sells and...
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    Hospital Italiano Insurance?

    I have had Hospital Aleman for 10 years now. I have definitely seen a problem in getting appointments quickly, in the last 3-4 years. Used to be you could just show up to get an eye exam, for example, but now it takes a couple of weeks just to get an appointment. There are a ton of people...
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    Money Import Questions

    And you have to look at what he has to do deal with, which tugs right at the base of Peronist psychology: http://www.lanacion....-diez-mil-pesos Even while Stolbizer and Massa chastise the judiciary for dragging its feet on CFK et al investigations: http://www.lanacion....s-de-corrupcion...
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    Money Import Questions
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?

    I never said door-to-door wasn't a disaster, nor that Macri shouldn't have to "own it". My point is also not comparing Macri to Cristina. I was referring to comments two other people made that seemed to suggest (even if tongue-in-cheek) that things were better under Cristina. As far as "Macri...
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    Door To Door Service Experiences?

    I just posted something on another thread too. Macri can't do everything in 10 months. This door-to-door fiasco is actually pretty small potatoes for Macri and his administration. And I'm betting it affects more expats and cheta Argentinos than the majority of people. To think that things...
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    Money Import Questions

    I am in the process of trying to get myself set up to be able to issue invoices outside the country via the monotributo system. My accountant assures me we can do it, though I am not so sure that it is going to be as easy as he is thinking - or even possible in the end. According to him I will...
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    Buenos Aires Chosen To Test Self Driving Cars

    I talked to a taxi driver about 2-3 months ago why he, personally, was so against Uber. He kind of sputtered for a moment then said something like "people want to earn money so they go out and buy a car and join up with Uber. They are not professionals and they are dangerous." Of course, that...
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    Uber Is Gaining Momentum

    Wow, I'm actually pleasantly surprised. I was not expecting a favorable ruling, much less basically saying that the operation is legitimate, though the judge's comments did seem to leave some room for the possibility of negotiation to settle differences that might exist. I loved this part...
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    Good Time To Buy Property In Ba?

    Just as an example of how it goes... I have been looking for a place to move to recently as the owners of the apartment we are currently renting are looking to sell, urgently (for Argentina). They were trying to sue their father for outright ownership of the apartment (it was their mother's...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    Well, Rodolfo, I responded to you, but once again the forum has held my commentary for review. i reckon no one will ever see it...edit: I copied my commentary and put it in here. I'll probably get removed from the forum for doing so, so if you all don't see me any more, you'll know why...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    Rodolfo, you must be in the older age brackets, I'm assuming? At least not in the younger ones, I suspect. Older folks are happy, younger ones not so much. This seems to be a global situation...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    That's pretty much what I meant, I just didn't finish the thought all the way through (and I'll admit it wasn't well written either!). Trump has success because he was politically incorrect. Trump lost the race, which could have been his for the taking, because he's practically mentally...
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    Good Time To Buy Property In Ba?

    I think you might be missing an important part of Porteño psychology (may be the same in all of Argentina, just that the majority of my 10 years has been here in BA) with the part that I bolded. In my experience Porteños don't lower prices, at least with real estate (which is their investment...