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  1. E

    Exchange4Free ..... Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you look at the money exchange places that accept BitCoin? That was the Bradley's suggestion as I understood it: use BitCoin as a currency exchange, not use BitCoin to actually purchase goods. Laugh at BitCoins, maybe they don't have a lot of purchasing power - yet. But the very fact that...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    Too many people don't give a crap any more about the facades a presidential candidate must put up to make everyone like him or her so they can be elected and go on being the kind of person Trump doesn't bother to cover up in himself. That's why Trump made it so far. Sick. To. Death. of...
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    Cheaper Computers Coming?

    I have to say, I agree a bit with you, Syngirl. I don't know when I noticed it, but it's like this particular article I linked to previously. I'm asking a question that a good article would have answered. The original InfoBae article sure didn't answer it, and the Bubble's article is more or...
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    Cheaper Computers Coming?

    It is something that drives me crazy, this idea that we need the government, or large groups of people with unions, to basically set the price on things for "protection" of local markets. Though if it's going to happen, I do like what Macri proposed, as Noesdeayer mentions, that those jobs will...
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    Cheaper Computers Coming?

    I was browsing BubbleAR and came across this article, published a couple of days ago: http://www.thebubble...puters-in-2017/ According to the article, the government is going to abolish the 35% tax on computer products imported to Argentina. According to the first part of the first paragraph...
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    Zyklon.what Was It And Who Made It?

    It's one of the reasons the US didn't enter the war until it was attacked. Too many close personal and business ties with Germany. And as CWO mentions, a lot of those companies are still around as well as Bayer... BTW, further to Steve's correct comments about the Holocaust, no one hardly...
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    Uber Is Gaining Momentum

    Yeah, there's something about that magic line between Capital Federal and the provincia that drives taxi drivers mad. Just another reason that shows taxis are too comfortable within their union, run by thugs, and a little competition will do them wonders. The truth is, they are so idiotic to...
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    Rental Contract Renewal

    Each contract is separate from the other. If you sign a second contract (or third, etc), the same penalties apply for breaking the new contract (i.e., in the new term) as did the previous contract. Of course, if you get to the end of a contract, you don't have to notify (although it's polite...
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    Uber Is Gaining Momentum

    Used to be that part-time, low-wage, on-demand work was done by young people high school-aged or getting started. Wasn't meant to be the kind of work to support a family. But of course that was in my time. My kids couldn't find much in the way of jobs when they were still in high school...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    I mean absolutely no offense, but doesn't that sound like what an awful lot of Cristina's supporters say as well? Do you honestly think either of the Clintons are really snow white in the sense that they are not corrupt at all, either one of them? I won't go through the list of investigations...
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    I guess what scares me about Clinton is something similar to Cristina. With all of the corruption that has been brought to light and which somehow drips off her and her hubby like they had Teflon backs, and nothing has stuck (except a stain on a dress from a certain activity of Bill's in the...
  12. E

    Frequent Flyer Award Costs.

    It's not exactly airport taxes such as it is extra taxes on travel, here. When you buy a ticket leaving from Buenos Aires you are paying Argentina-specific taxes, which are very high. The US, as an origin, doesn't load you up with as many taxes and fees and such as they do here.
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    Clinton - Trump Live Debate Monday Sept. 26 Th.

    Ejcot, I agree with you about Trump, but don't understand why you don't equally excoriate Clinton. Her being part of a team who try to hide their true selves, as corrupt and self-serving as the best of the worst, really, unlike Trump at least who lets it all hang out.
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    Best Yerba Mate?

    The one thing I haven't been able to do yet, in my ten years here, is drink tea made from grass ( :) as I tease my girls) Although, I must admit that when in Paraguay and the sun is beating down on you and someone whips out the terere, I have been known to partake... They use Union, which they...
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    La Piccola Italia En Palermo.... Today

    BTW Rich One, I promise they weren't blaming you :) My wife had actually brought up going before you posted about the event. All non-fun encountered rests solely upon the shoulders of others in this case ;)
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    La Piccola Italia En Palermo.... Today

    I was going to go to this with the family yesterday, but had a ton of work to do on which I was terrible backed up and I missed it. My wife and two of her sisters went - and were sorely disappointed. My wife went to Europe with two friends about a year ago and Italy was one of the places where...
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    The Consumption Factor In Argentine Politics

    Not to mention things like cheese, in particular, are of relatively horrible quality in comparison to what can be found in the US and Europe! Maybe Angola, which contains the capital Luanda, which is (at least for expats) the most expensive city in the world (though BA is working on getting...
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    Isis To Argentina: “We’Re Coming To See You”

    I don´t even know who StackStreet is. I had heard of the Chinese base some time ago - it was mentioned around the time that Cristina was selling half of Argentina to the Chinese. I posted the link because I thought the whole thing seemed a bit like an American military base here - a bit...
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    Tourist Visa Can We Go To School

    You shouldn't have any problem, but I wouldn't swear to it. My wife's sisters were able to attend school before they got residency, in one case before we even started the process (one possible difference being they came from Paraguay, a Mercosur country). They were able to start even without...
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    Isis To Argentina: “We’Re Coming To See You”

    Is the US military base going to be next to the Chinese base?