La Piccola Italia En Palermo.... Today

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Today Rush italian Cuisine, etc.

On Gorriti Bet. Arévalo y Bonpland ..... :wub:

I was going to go to this with the family yesterday, but had a ton of work to do on which I was terrible backed up and I missed it. My wife and two of her sisters went - and were sorely disappointed. My wife went to Europe with two friends about a year ago and Italy was one of the places where they spent a good amount of time. She was excited to go to this event as a result of the time she'd spent in Italy and had so enjoyed. But when she got back from this event, she told me there were nothing but long lines of places selling the same stuff (imagine that in Argentina!) and what they tried was not very good, certainly not nearly up to Italian standards.

They ended up going to La Rural after a couple of hours, to a makeup convention of some sort. Heh. A good thing all-around that I didn't go...
I enjoy these outings for a day in the sun and socializing. I posted it on good faith,,, :rolleyes:
I recently went to an Italian event and the pasta was overcooked, small portions and overall pricey. An Italo-Argentinian con-event.
BTW Rich One, I promise they weren't blaming you :) My wife had actually brought up going before you posted about the event. All non-fun encountered rests solely upon the shoulders of others in this case ;)