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  1. Raymond

    A Kiwi Chick In Buenos Aires

    Wassup kiwi, Maybe see if you can touch base with Kristie Robinson who runs the Argentine Independent an excellent English publication in print, they are growing quickly, or scan their classifieds?! Good luck, chur chur!
  2. Raymond

    Introducing Myself ...

    What were you recommending?
  3. Raymond


    How sad and ironic, he was shooting a flying rat and shortly after was shot by a rat
  4. Raymond

    Excited/scared About Moving To Ba...!

    I know a young Agrentine woman looking for someone, PM me and I will put you two in touch. Raymond
  5. Raymond


    I thought he was a French photographer?
  6. Raymond

    Howdy - I Have Questions!

    Give me a holler you can borrow mine Raymond
  7. Raymond

    Signs Of Future Argentina?

    What a load of crap ! Putting up a very cheesy video does not convince those who have visited Sao Paulo and seen the truth . Is crime rate alone makes Buenos Aires seem like Disneyland and its people are louder than even the loudest Porteno always bragging about their city which in the main is...
  8. Raymond

    Japanese Yuko Hair Straightening.

    Is it the Japanese ionic system though? Is it the one on Cabildo?
  9. Raymond

    Men's hairdressers

    Is Terrie in a salon now? The salon Parana on Cramer y blanco encalada is lleno de gente too
  10. Raymond

    Hairdresser/stylist Who Has Experience With Curly Hair

    McFly is the man, I worked with him on a project last year, gr8 all round skills. If you´re still in a fro(th) though give me a holler, curly hair isn´t a problem for me either
  11. Raymond

    Sending Money Out Legally Just 3% In White

    For all those guys who have sold properties recently and need to send out money legally . I can help you with an excellent contact that will do it legally and just at 3% . This is the best rate in Buenos Aires for sure. PM for more details
  12. Raymond

    Could be a bumpy night! If you look at this image there is a very strong chance of Tornadoes . The situation is serious .
  13. Raymond

    Could be a bumpy night!

    Argentina is the only country outside of the USA to experience up to F5 Tornadoes . There was a famous case of the town of San Justo Sante Fe that was completely decimated in 1973 with a F5 Tornado .
  14. Raymond

    Puerto Cerrada - Closed Door Restaurants

    just remembered two others of note: the Ghetto Mansion in Telmo, Trey & Andrew hosts and Casa MUN
  15. Raymond

    Puerto Cerrada - Closed Door Restaurants

    Do a search on here for casa NOLA, Isa has been rated the best in town!
  16. Raymond

    Tango Lovers Take Note ... It's A Hit Again In Manhattan...

    To get a pesito out of you would be a great challenge I am sure :D
  17. Raymond

    What to pay a Nanny?

    I agree with lovelylu. Once the agencies take their cut the 25-35 doesn´t seem very much. The subte costs 5 pesos to get there and back. Do they do Christmas specials? Say, pay for two children get one free?
  18. Raymond

    Raymond or other hairdresser recommendation?

    And I´m looking forward to coming see you for a great meal!
  19. Raymond

    Prepaid Mobile Data Options

    "P.S. I also can't find any information on how to recharge prepaid mobile accounts, though I'm probably not looking in the right place." Most kioskos have prepay cards for the main companies (Claro, Personal, Movistar) be aware that if you ask "do you have prepay cards?" many will say no...
  20. Raymond

    Introduction; Taxi Scams

    Welcome back in advance! One thing to look out for is handing over the good 50 or 100 bill and having it returned as a fake, saying "¿Tenés más chico?" they (the cabbie), probably had it slipped to them and they are returning the favour. A good tip is even if you´ve had a bit to drink, remember...