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  1. Raymond

    Keratin treatment

    The Japanese system is an ionic system and not progressive like the keratin shock. Once its straight its straight. Generally a lot more expensive than the Brazillian shock treats, but I always liked the result. Sorry, cannot remeber the name of the place I saw...
  2. Raymond

    Keratin treatment

    ok, so the thing times out... When I have another 1/2 hour free I will re rewrite something on word then post. Basically Japanese system has no Formol and the other generally do. You may find more info on my blog
  3. Raymond

    Keratin treatment

    this thing isnt posting properly! = annoying
  4. Raymond

    Raymond or other hairdresser recommendation?

    Hi, yes I'm still here. Not jumping ship any time soon, just not on this forum much. All my contact details are here http// Best, Raymond
  5. Raymond

    All Blacks In La Plata

    We found this place, has a plasma screen Cervecería Modelo between 53rd & 54th street, La Plata, Argentina
  6. Raymond

    All Blacks In La Plata

    Cool, thanks for that. We were just headed out the door, guess we will stay here. Fosters on 54th is the same, seems all about the restaurant.
  7. Raymond

    All Blacks In La Plata

    How about Kil (or Wil) Kilkennys? Yes we´re taking the 14:00 bus from Retiro
  8. Raymond

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Las Vegas is as normal as Detroit, St Louis, New Orleans, Camden , Atlanta,Cleveland,Cicinatti. Philadelphia and many many other normal american cities . Las Vegas has over 1 million people in its greater metropitan area making it a important city . Maybe for you only Los Angeles and New...
  9. Raymond

    Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    Too many people are painting the USA as a Nirvana when all figures prove a different story . I suggest to the readers to click on this link about life in a normal american city is like with its myriad of crime and corruption . Actually makes Buenos Aires seem like paradise in comparison:D...
  10. Raymond

    La Cabrera...Happy Hour?

    Mate you are risking it going there . La Cabrera has has two entraderas in the last 12 months and many patrons were robbed at gunpoint .
  11. Raymond

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    You speak the truth ! Too many people here are denialists to the realities of their home countries .
  12. Raymond

    Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    You really are precious Trev! I can imagine you never leaving your apartment or interacting with locals due to your irrational and hysterical fears of crime here . Australia your beloved and lucky country has had more random massacres of innocents going about their day shopping, driving , and...
  13. Raymond

    Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

    You seem like a disloyal person to your own nationality . Strange
  14. Raymond

    Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    You will be fine. I apologise if I offended you.
  15. Raymond

    HUGE Protest Tonight 7 PM! Corrientes/Pueyrredon & Santa Fe/Callao.

    The city is in rage tonight with over 50,000 easily on the streets . The Plaza del Mayo is completely full with angry but peaceful protesters.
  16. Raymond

    Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    In this city the police will not bother with petty instances even proper assualts they pay little attention!!
  17. Raymond

    Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    If you have so much fear why you employing people ? If you trasmit fear and no confidence also it is a losing situation
  18. Raymond

    Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"

    The OP seems to be a foolish man and he will be abused and used like a ragdoll in Buenos Aires if he continues to believe in the good of people . This city is not for the fainthearted and less so for business owners who have to run the gamut of libelous employees and a very oportunistic culture .
  19. Raymond

    is this the right time to buy a flat in Argentina?

    I have a good friend who is a realtor and he tells me that he has sold more properties in 2012 than 2011 . The main reason that sales have gone down he says is that there are much less properties for sale . If you look at the newspapers there are 50% less adds to sell than last year . There is...
  20. Raymond

    What crimes have you been a victim of in BA?

    You need to chill dude!!! Lamarque speaks 100 times better english than your measly spanish I am sure;)