So what exactly is it that makes you "more local" than other expats?
Let's see - I live in pvca, in a house we own, started coming here in the early 2000s, been living here full-time for 5 years, I spend 90% of my time with porteños, I ran a successful and profitable company here (all en blanco even), I had 15+ employees here - all local, I am spending my life with a local, I have financial commitments here and I could go on and on and on. Do I have enough "local" roots and credibility?
What exactly is the irrationality? People talking about the crime they and their loved ones have experienced? Complaining about the lack of police enforcement? Wishing it was a better and safer place to live?
Car thieves have taken to burning cars outside of our walled property. I have called the police EVERY SINGLE TIME I see a car burning. Do you know what they do? Nothing. They don't even come. In one incident, the thieves were there while I was on the phone with the police. They still didn't come.
This used to happen about once a year. Now it happens probably every month.
My neighbors houses have been broken into. My SO and BF had their trucks stolen in Capital Federal - on Libertador in Belgrano. My M-I-L's entire office building was robbed a few months ago by an inside job. I've had friends held up at knifepoint. My friend was in a restaurant recently in Palermo when a guy walked in and held up all the patrons. (Police came long afterwards and the only thing they did was tell the restaurant owner to start locking the door). And I could go on and on.
Yes, I'm concerned. Do you know why? Because I live here.
Again - I will say it. I don't care what life is like in Chicago or NY or London or Rio. I don't live there (but I do travel to all those places on the regular and they seem pretty damn safe to me

) But it's irrelevant. The issue is whether crime is increasing or decreasing here.
Some feel it is all great and safe. Power to you. But don't say that those of us who have DIRECT experiences that contradict that are being hysterical or don't know of what we speak.