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  1. Patagone

    Prices Online Vs Irl

    Both offline and online most prices of anything seem to be a closely guarded secret.
  2. Patagone

    Paraguay V Argentina, Lifestyle And Taxes

    I am not sure what the goal is of all the ignored and repeated replies. Is everybody trying to feed the troll so much hoping that he will explode?
  3. Patagone

    Importing Used Car Overland For Permanent Resident

    Did they give any info about what that fine would be? Not sure if the alarm goes off when you spend more time with the car in Argentina than abroad, or the number of border crossings. If we go South from Northern Patagonia to Ushuaia, we normally have at least 3-4 border crossings, one way...
  4. Patagone

    Import Taxes On Vehicles Question

    @elqueso As I am in a similar position I would appreciate if you could share the follow-up, i.e.: - Did the car get nationalized ok? - what were the costs in the end? - How long did it take and what were the biggest hurdles? I can buy a car that is US-registered, but was bought there by an...
  5. Patagone

    Psa Aprehended In Eze A Band Of "suitcase Openers"

    One more reason why I prefer to fly out via SCL instead. Worse than stealing (why the hell would people put watches, mobile phones and even money in checked luggage anyway?) is that they could just as easily stuff a few kilos of cocaine in your suitcase, destination Miami.
  6. Patagone

    Importing Used Car Overland For Permanent Resident

    Thanks for the info and links. Plaza de Mayo is 1600km from here, so I will check with local Afip first. But it seems I fall outside the allowance anyway (having residency for over a year). Still not sure how they would value a used motorhome, made in USA, but not on KBB. Other option would be...
  7. Patagone

    Is Mendoza Nice?

    I never found BsAs much cheaper than SMA, outside Chnatown that is. At least in SMA we still have the 30% discount on gasoline (which is needed because of distances). I loved Puerto Pyramides, laid back, but not cheap, either. I would not know of any 'cheap' place left in Argentina, for those of...
  8. Patagone

    Is Mendoza Nice?

    Come to San Martin de los Andes. Though cold season is coming (ski season end of June to September). We have an airbnb which in low season can rent per month, which is about the value of high season per week. Camel stayed there. There is no place in Argentina comparable to Spain, different...
  9. Patagone

    Importing Used Car Overland For Permanent Resident

    Would this be What happens if the car is not listed there?
  10. Patagone

    Importing Used Car Overland For Permanent Resident

    I have read all car import threads, but all are 5 years or older and I wondered about my specific situation and the current status: - I can buy US-registered car (RV) this winter (the vehicle will be in Chile) - Value/costs might be about USD $20k, though I can negotiate the papers down to less...
  11. Patagone

    Advice On Dual Nationality

    I might get it myself, but for a different reason: with an Argentine passport you have quite a lot of visa-free travel options that even EU passports don't have (like Russia). See a full list here:
  12. Patagone

    Thoughts On Year In El Bolson, Bariloche, Or San Martin?

    Hi Amanda, welcome to SMA! We are abroad, but should be back next week or so. This situation is definitely the norm in SMA. As all income needs to be made in the 2 summer months + 2 skiing months, all houses are rented by the day. House owners would be crazy to rent a place in January for $600...
  13. Patagone

    Argentine Law On Short-Term Holiday Rentals

    It depends on the consorcio and the local government. Here in San Martin de los Andes, tourism is of course very important, so they started a sort of registry, where AirBnB and other non-official lodgers could register themselves and pay a low fee. Of course they had to stop it as non of the...
  14. Patagone

    Anyone Moving From The Netherlands To Ba?

    If you have some extra space, let me know the costs. I have some stuff in the NL that I would love to have here (books, musical instruments, pindasaus). No idea about the current situation regarding customs etc.
  15. Patagone

    Why Pay Rent?

    Did anybody here recently prepare a contract for renters? I hear conflicting stories about the legal issues with regards to inflation. I have seen contracts that include a 15% raise for every 6 months, others say it is not legal. Also minimum time here is mentioned as 2 years (unless canceled...
  16. Patagone


    Sorry to be the last nazi in the meeting, but he needs a punctuation repair kit.
  17. Patagone

    Huge Increase In Alarm Service Costs

    Not sure if this is a local or Patagonian issue, but we just got the yearly bill for the monitored alarma service we use for our apartment. It was 2300 pesos 2 years ago, 3800 pesos last year and now they want $7200. This is insane, especially if you check the USD value over the years. It...
  18. Patagone

    New Currency Notes Coming - Atm Question ?

    Soon you will need a $200 bill in order to pay for 3 empanadas, so don't worry about the change.
  19. Patagone

    Skiiing Advice - Better In Argentina Or Chile?

    Zero, but zero snow in San Martin, Villa la Angostura and Bariloche. Not sure about Las Lenas. No skiing possible in the next two weeks. Great mountainbiking though at the moment.
  20. Patagone

    Why Pay Rent?

    So, what if the guarantor is just as lazy and non-paying? They must be friends or related with the tenant for some reason? Does having a guarantor make the collecting and evicting any easier?