Search results

  1. Patagone

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    Or, as Mark Twain put it: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled."
  2. Patagone

    Getting Certificado Domicilio

    Well, the idea is to have someone certify that you live there. If I were an official institution, I would not accept this from somebody that did not live there. Here in Patagonia, you need two people (can be a couple) that have DNI with the town you reuqest the documentation for. Only takes a...
  3. Patagone

    La Nacion Article On Packages From Abroad

    I can never get used to the loss Argentina incurs due to the senseless wasting of time by its citizens. Every 6-7 persons in these lines represent a full wage, completely lost (well, maybe a bit less with unemployment now).The loss of economic activity by just doing nothing all that time is much...
  4. Patagone

    Skiiing Advice - Better In Argentina Or Chile?

    I ski every year here in Chapelco ( in San Martin de los Andes. The skiing in general in SA is mediocre compared to France/Europe and the US, especially the number of runs and service/price ratio, but always better than the Chilean resorts, may of which just have a few basic...
  5. Patagone

    Question On Changing Dollars/cash

    Everything will be accepted against the same normal rate. (Before the lower bills -20,10,5 & 1- would also be accepted, but at about 5% less).
  6. Patagone

    Precaria Vs Driving, Driver's License And Travel Questions

    Here's an update from San Martin de los Andes, everything was suprisingly easy: - When going to the small one person office in the 'terminal', the guy took my EU license, started filling a document and added 'renovacion' and stamped it. No exam needed, no thery no practical. - I need to go to...
  7. Patagone

    Airfares To Europe 50% Cheaper From Chile/uruguay

    Also check free stopovers. Last time I went to Europe, I needed to go to Amsterdam. It was about 200 Euros cheaper to go to Madrid, which would make sense as it is closer. But in this case I flew KLM, so via AMS to MAD. KLM's base is AMS, so you can get free stopovers. My frist stopover was 2...
  8. Patagone

    Apartment For Temp Rent, Center San Martin De Los Andes

    Hi all, if anybody's interested in some skiing or other outdoors activities this winter and spring, we still have some dates available in June, July and August. Though it is already more than half full. Skiing season on starts 18th June (depending on snow of course), and Chapelco...
  9. Patagone

    Changing Us $ To Pesos

    Frankly this is like asking everybody where to buy the cheapest bananas. It will be different everywhere, every day. Just check the costs and effective rate close to you and think about the time spent and if 1% difference is worth the time reading these forums :)
  10. Patagone

    Airfares To Europe 50% Cheaper From Chile/uruguay

    Also, when flying from Brasil, you can take 2x32kgs per person in economy. So if you are planning on getting extra luggage, savings will be even bigger.
  11. Patagone

    Has The Long Awaited Crackdown On 90 Day Overstays Begun?

    I don't understand how the temp visa owner could get a letter? They would have no registered address?
  12. Patagone

    Mercosur Travel, Dni Or Passport?

    It does not really matter as the passport check is separate from the customs check. You might get in trouble if you return to Arg with passport and don't leave again within 3 months with it.
  13. Patagone

    Non-Resident American Buying Apartment - Need Some Advice

    That is interesting and strange at the same time. So your Arg bank cannot accept USD directly (i.e., you cannot transfer to Arg), but they can accept USD on a non-arg account and give you the cash here? That makes them a cueva, seems quite strange and shady for a bank. If it works, it will be...
  14. Patagone

    Hiring Expats

    So the poster is "Maxi", with username "Jules" and email address "Kirsten@". Seems legit.
  15. Patagone

    Gasoline More Expensive Than In Chile, Now!

    It can take hours to cross the border and back, we even skipped a day trip to Paraguay because of that when in the region. So unless you value your time less than say 50 pesos/hour it is not worth it. Note that in NQN, La Pampa and all of Patagonia the gas is 25% (30%?) cheaper anyways. Of...
  16. Patagone

    Importing Car Part

    No, when you live within a few hours from Chile like Tilda and myself, it is much, much cheaper to just go there, have whatever you need fixed and replaced and come back. Eeverybody does that when they need new tires, car parts etc.
  17. Patagone

    Importing Car Part

    It is illegal to bring car parts over the border, you won't be able to import it yourself in a bus or other car. If you declare it, it will get taken, if you don't declare it, you eiother get a big fine and it will be taken or they won't check/see it and you will have imported it illegaly. A...
  18. Patagone

    Argentina Buys Natural Gas From Chile...

    I foresee a woodstove-smuggling ring soon and ore illegal logging in Patagonia. These stoves are used almost exclusively in Chile and cost double in Argentina.
  19. Patagone

    Non-Resident American Buying Apartment - Need Some Advice

    The buying above the table is different from the way you get the money in. If you use a cueva's foreign account (you wire money to Abu Dhabi or Hong Kong etc and they give you the cash here minus 2-6%), then the only under the table is that you (actually the cueva) did not declare the funds...
  20. Patagone

    Euros To Dollars?....possible?

    You will pay the spread twice: first Euro to AR$, then AR$ to USD, so you will lose some extra 5-6%. Why would you need cash USD in Bolivia? If you have euros, just use them there or simply use the ATM's., in both cases you will lose less money in transaction costs.