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  1. Alicia karr


    Anyone tried buying it online using the link? I'd prefer to buy it directly and maybe have a consultation. Anyone have experience with this?
  2. Alicia karr

    What Are You Watching On Netflix? Was It Any Good?

    I really was surprised with "Bloodlines" on Netflix. It is suspenseful but at the same time has very developed characters. Anyone else see it?
  3. Alicia karr

    How To Influence Effectively In This Culture

    El queso, I have always admired and respected you as a reasonable, thoughtful, articulate individual committed to their life here. But I don't get why you aren't choosing to BUY a place of your own and forget about all these renting issues?! I thank God practically every day that I did so seven...
  4. Alicia karr

    Specific Rentista Visa Question

    I had my tenants sign a three year "dummy" lease that they understood was just for residency purposes, that was fine. I now have pet,agent residency. But the idea of month to month lease continuation won't fly with Migraciones even tho it's a common practice in the U.S.
  5. Alicia karr

    What Are You Watching On Netflix? Was It Any Good?

    Sensa8. Very unusual,spiritual and one world themes. Shot in 8 countries Total change of pace--loved Bloodline I also agree about Marvels Daredevil. What a surprise!
  6. Alicia karr

    Alternate Arrangements For A 'domec' Technician

    Patience patience. I was appalled with their system as well. After calling their service line you wait for the technician to call you when he will be next scheduling appointments in your neighborhood. After the initial call I waited about five days for the tech to call me and schedule an...
  7. Alicia karr

    Less Snatch And Grab ?

    I hear about stuff going down in the provincia all the time. Seems like the Wild West. But I keep thinking is it just a matter of time before it happens like that in capital? Or are we luckily living in a bubble?
  8. Alicia karr

    Less Snatch And Grab ?

    I was thinking the same thing--haven't been hearing about as much street crime in capital, I think they've all gone out to the provincia from what I HAVE been hearing!
  9. Alicia karr

    Hola Jacoba! Something Quite Different In Ba

    While everyone is drinking at Magdalena's Party, try sneaking across the street for some sufficiently authentic and really home made Israeli-Jewish food at Hola Jacoba. Recently brunched there with some friends and we were all pleasantly surprised (although this might have been influenced by our...
  10. Alicia karr

    Tomato Price

    I double the reccomendation for "al campo" in Belgrano. Been buying there for months. Great reasonably priced chicken "al campo" also
  11. Alicia karr

    Travel Agency Recommendations?

    STI have given me good service. And they speak English. They've arranged a lot of excursions for me and I was pleased. (Both here and abroad) 4811-5761, 4811-6402 [email protected] Montevideo 716
  12. Alicia karr

    "defending Jacob" May 26 Book Club Pot Luck 7:00

    I didn't change the meeting to tonight because the others are away and couldn't come anyway. But if you guys want to come by yourselves and bring something to eat we can do it. It will be a record for smallest book club meeting! PM me ASAP.
  13. Alicia karr

    "defending Jacob" May 26 Book Club Pot Luck 7:00

    Well others that have communicated with me are not available this particular whole week! If others can meet Wednesday I'm willing to change it for this Wednesday. Other folks?
  14. Alicia karr

    "defending Jacob" May 26 Book Club Pot Luck 7:00

    LAST CHANCE to meet with the book club until the end of July. The book club meeting/pot luck is supposed to be tomorrow, Tuesday, at 7. However so far I've only received one "regret" and no confirmations. If I don't hear from others on this thread by midnight tonight, Monday, I will cancel...
  15. Alicia karr

    Legal Reference About Home "expensas" Needed

    Just curious when you all say you're paying $1000/month you mean pesos not dollars right?
  16. Alicia karr

    "defending Jacob" May 26 Book Club Pot Luck 7:00

    Hey everyone, don't miss the wonderful activity! Last time I had a tentative head count of 6-8 for this meeting Tuesday. Could you please confirm by posting your pot luck contribution? We are coming up on the Book clubs two year anniversary! Readers rock (and gab, and cook great food, and...
  17. Alicia karr

    "defending Jacob" May 26 Book Club Pot Luck 7:00

    Just a quick reminder, book club meeting and pot luck is next TUESDAY(26 of May)! So who all is coming, and what are you bringing for the pot luck? Newcomers are welcome, even if you haven't read the book! Just sign up below and I'll send you a PM with the contact info and address.
  18. Alicia karr

    Residencia Permanente In 2 Week Visit? Is It Even Possible?

    I recently transitioned to permanent residency (in February). I never had to show a birth certificate. Maybe it depends on what category you are getting residency under?
  19. Alicia karr

    Anyone Coming Down From The Usa?

    If you can wait until mid July to have your family receive them I might be able to help.
  20. Alicia karr

    Jewellery Ring Resizing In Ba

    Ekhart jewelry on Vivente Lopez between Callao and Ayacucho. Been using Luca for years and other expats were very happy with him also.