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  1. B

    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    totally unrelated nevertheless just as important... how did you enable dark mode on this site? I've been looking for this option ever since but all I have is a header and footer in dark mode, the rest is glaring white...
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    UK certificado de antecedentes

    They’ve been recently hacked and not operating for weeks. Looks like they’ve resumed services with prehistoric tech - download and fill the form. This all means waiting time is likely to be weeks at best, likely months.
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    Western Union money transfer

    GBP transfers have fixed fee until £300 then 3.5%. Using this trick you’d pay £12.90 for £300 and £10.50 for £300.01
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    The 2023 Argentine National Migrant Survey

    My friend is big on human rights and works for an NGO that tries to improve the situation for migrants and expats in Argentina. They cooperated with other NGOs and government agencies to create this survey which runs for few years now. It will be open for 3 more days this year if anybody wishes...
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    Foreign credit cards purchases at MEP rate

    is the following correct: 1. you see the price, say USD 1,000, 2. go to checkout they charge you ARS 252,000 official rate (252 today), 3. but you card gets charged about USD 550 (turista rate is 457, VISA is roughly following it) if that's correct, it sounds like the scam loophole that was...
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    Tracking the foreign card rate vs. the blue rate

    For me paying with a card works out exactly 10% worse off than WU. Sometimes it feels like a lot to pay for convenience. But some other times the inconvenice reminds how BIG it can get! 👇
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    New rentista requirements: 2000 usd per person

    There are rumours that the new regulations have not only increased the income requirements but also introduced expedited processing and add more ways of proving income, e.g. on top of demonstrating income one could also show investments and savings. Does anybody have more information on that...
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    New rentista requirements: 2000 usd per person

    There are reports of recent rejections of rentista applications based on WU cash receipts. The wording seems to be unclear whether it’s for authorisation or for the fact that it’s cash and not an account.
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    How long is it taking to renew precaria right now?

    They promise to renew within 5 working days. For me it took 2 weeks. For my wife - 5 weeks. "Working" appeared to be the keyword here.
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    Six months now in trámite with Migración

    Lucky you! Or rather "you have done your waiting anyway". Either way, looks like the system works at least in some cases. My experience so far is that it's borked with little evidence of the contrary.
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    Track your DNI process here

    Supposedly that’s after it’s been approved and you have requested the plastic?
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    Six months now in trámite with Migración

    Congratulations! I hope that means unblocking of whatever prevented them from keeping their timelines of 90-180 days to produce a response. And even from issuing a precaria which recently was taking them weeks to renew. And some hope to those who don’t have much of a home country to return to.
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    Six months now in trámite with Migración

    I had my picture taken when submitting initial application and getting my first precaria, presumably they’re just in the beginning of their journey that isn’t likely to end soon. How do you tell Russians from Ukrainians?
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    Six months now in trámite with Migración

    Russians are not getting anything processed apparently, so far no approved residences for applications in 2023. Same heard about Ukrainians.
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    Best places to study/work?

    Coworking is your best option. And of those La Maquinita is the most value for money place out of five or six I’ve tried. Good vibe, excellent kitchen with free coffee, a few branches around the city and flexible membership with pay as you go options.
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    Teatro Colon

    I managed to buy tickets last week. Their website redirects to a third party ticketing system “” which works ok, (including in Firefox). It wouldn’t be Argentina if all was smooth. Only worked with Visa card, two Mastercards didn’t work without even contacting bank, just errored...
  17. B

    Where can I find strong blue cheese and also sour cream?

    I often use greek style yogurt for sour cream. Not sure it’s widely available in BA and no idea of the local way of producing it. Worked in many European countries though. Just saw one in nueva tienda on Salguero.
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    My experience extending tourist visitor visa - Ask Me Anything (AMA)

    Funny enough, in a neighbouring thread I have just read @Bajo_cero2 resident lawyer’s real name… the case I mentioned above was told by the lawyer with the same name on another resource. What a small world.
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    My experience extending tourist visitor visa - Ask Me Anything (AMA)

    They can. It will have the same effect as visa run - they will get 90 extra days. The difference is that prorroga will prevent them from re-entry if they leave. Visa run may or may not, as you mentioned it is considered an abuse of tourist visa, still there are so many people doing it without...
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    My experience extending tourist visitor visa - Ask Me Anything (AMA)

    the lawyer says it was a holiday but I think it's irrelevant, it was a visit abroad after a prorroga and more than 90 days stay in Argentina I think this is exactly what it means. Russians can do visa run once, before the first 90 days expire and they will be allowed re-entry and 90 more days...