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  1. L

    New in town

    The regular crew of Ex pats and locals meet up every Friday night for a few drinks and good conversation, and lots of fun. This week they will be in Krakow Bar in San Telmo from 8 ish onwards - Feel free to come along and have some fun.
  2. L

    Fresh expat

    Hi Gigi, there are quite a few Aussies around BsAs and I am sure if you look out for the social events and come along to any of them you will come across them. There are regular meet ups for drinks etc., just keep your eyes open on the forum.
  3. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 17th December

    Well, after last weeks Christmas Party, it's time for one last hurrah before formal Frinks take a Holiday break until the New Year - given Dec 24th and 31st are both Fridays. So, it's back to the scene of earlier fun, and Krakow Bar awaits our imbibing pleasure. The fun starts from 8pn onwards...
  4. L

    Re: BAHHH Hash number 529 - Xmas Hash Dec 19th

    Calling all Festive Hashers, Give your turkey a good stuffing, polish your ballballs, lay a log by the fire and clean your sack - its almost Christmas and the Xmas Hash is here!!!!!!!!!! Get ready for a fat old man to break into your house and sneak into your bedroom saying he wants to give...
  5. L

    Laughing Boomers, Gray-Headed Nomads

    Much as I like the flattery, it will get you nowhere.... I'm 52 :) and never afraid to admit it.
  6. L

    Laughing Boomers, Gray-Headed Nomads

    As a 50 something myself, we get together quite regularly on a Friday night with all ages, so if you are planning something, can you avoid Fridays, so maybe we can come too :)
  7. L

    Social Events

    Apparantly I'm not allowed to tell you where the regular ex-pat weekly event takes place !
  8. L

    Xmas Frinks - Friday Dec 10th Drinks

    I'm bringing me beer belly - Looks a little like Santa :) Ho Ho Ho../.. On the way now
  9. L


    Well, today, in teh stoem, there were some very loud thunderclaps, but that wouldn't explain every day
  10. L

    Xmas Frinks - Friday Dec 10th Drinks

    Howard - That was a bad one.... Mind you, you will have to prove you have them on :)
  11. L

    Xmas Frinks - Friday Dec 10th Drinks

    It's Almost Christmas Time, with the snow lying deep and crisp and even, (at least it is in England & Ireland!), but here in Sunny Buenos Aires, the temperatures are into the 30's, so we're having an Early Christmas Party, down in Breoghan's, so come prepared, wear something festive, we have...
  12. L

    Nice places to run in Palermo area

    If you are here on Sunday the 19th - the BA Hash House Harriers are having their Xmas Run and BBQ - you;d be welcome...
  13. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 3rd December

    Gareth - Actually not thought that far ahead - This week is the Xmas Frinking Party, but New Years Eve here is a family thing, so it would likely only be the visiting frinkers who would be out that night - Many of the regular crew are permanent or long termers here, not that visitors aren't very...
  14. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 3rd December

    On My Way = Just to let you know that Never Fear - Frinks are here... In my absence, Dirty Aussie will take charge of the arrangements, as Frinking Secretary - We plan our trips to ensure that Frinking goes on :) :) :)
  15. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 3rd December

    I have sent you a Private Message with my cell, and yes, we will be there till well after 10 :)
  16. L

    Not an "expat" but a frequent visitor

    Hi Nick, replied to you elsewhere with directions for tonight.... Hope to see you there
  17. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 3rd December

    Texas? Now let me see, that's the little place north of Mexico isn't it? :) Sorry the link isn't working, but the place is easy to find, depending where you are coming from of course. If you take the Subte Line E from town, Plaza de Mayo, Bolivar or Belgrano stations, just head to Av La Plata...
  18. L

    Friday Night Drinks (Frinks) 3rd December

    Hope not ;) .......
  19. L

    looking too meet up with couples

    Have replied in the Newcomers Forum.
  20. L

    new hope to meet up

    Hi Ron and Sandie, As someone who has turned 50 {just ;)} and is living here now with my Argentine gf, we would be happy to meet you guys and help you find the bars and places to go. I'm originally from Ireland, via many years in England, support Liverpool, Stockport County and Racing Club de...