Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    Durban and Medellin: former gangster-cities and nowadays lovely, green, clean and much safer places than bsars.
  2. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    sorry for you, but I lived, besides Europe, in Colombia, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. And stayed in South Africa and Thailand for a while. Not even BKK or Bogota is as filthy as BsArs and flats are not even in Durban or J'burg as expensive as in BsArs.
  3. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    I wonder if people are realistic enough to ask such first world prices in a filthy, fifth world city like BsArs. I wonder who will pay these prices, keep on dreaming! the sooner or the later prices will drop. Therefore I'll wait, no hurries.
  4. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    I do know there's inflation in Argentina but I can't believe you bought it in 2008 for 148K and now asking 200K. Anyway...still looking
  5. mariano-BCN

    30 Days To Leave -- My Result Of Trying To Get Citizenship

    sorry to hear all these. Cheer up: you're not the only one; the other day I was seeing a flat of an expat who dropped the price by 25% just to sell it as soon as possible and be gone before the 30 days expires. I wander if he gets his flat sold, it's in bad condition.
  6. mariano-BCN

    South San Telmo/parque Lezama

    can i ask you how much will you pay? I'm looking also in that area.
  7. mariano-BCN

    Where Can You Meet 40-55 Y Expats/argentines?

    thx la Coqueta, I sent u an email. And henry...that's a good idea but it's not what I had in mind.
  8. mariano-BCN

    Where Can You Meet 40-55 Y Expats/argentines?

    I do have a friends here and do know lots of people but they all are busy with long working days, family-issues, rising adolescents, etc. Sometimes I wish I knew more interesting people to talk about Argentine issues, live as a expat here, politics (beyond the classic ultra K or ultra anti K)...
  9. mariano-BCN

    Rental Increases In Usd

    I pay 2300 pesos for a temporal place, one bedroom, all in, as long as I'm looking for a flat to buy. No deposit, no raise of rent, no screw-issues. the owner is from Uruguay, that could explain a lot.
  10. mariano-BCN

    Rental Increases In Usd

    I'm complete in shock how much people here are ready to pay. Even if it's a golden house, the mentioned prices are crazy, even for BsArs. Just do a little more of effort and go and find something 1/4 of what you're paying and spend your money on more fun than getting screwed with such a rent.
  11. mariano-BCN

    Right Wing Coup E'tat In Brazil

    hahaha, what a joke! right wing coup in Brasil! So the one million persons yesterday were all kids of bourgeois, oligarchs who fight against the all so popular and left wing Dilma? Were does this so typical Argentinean lack of sense or reality comes from? People here don't care about having an...
  12. mariano-BCN

    Meet-Up To Commemorate George Orwell's 109Th Birthday

    cuba didn't remind me of 1984 but more of Animal Farm
  13. mariano-BCN

    Why Is Dollar Blue Trending Down?

    i don't understan it neither, asif suddenly the Argentinean peso and it's economy is going ok?
  14. mariano-BCN

    When Will The Peso Hit 10?

    so what are your reasons to state that Nikad? I wish you're right but everyday I see the dollar and euro drop and drop again, this way Argentina will never be cheap again for us who have access to euros (and dollars).
  15. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    indeed Argsteve and tom, I wonder why but people here seem to treat their properties with no love at all. OK, there's no Ikea here but the furniture is more than awful here and -worse- the status of the walls, entrances, toilet, kitchen, simply awful. I only saw so far only one interesting flat...
  16. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    I'm looking for a flat, studio or whatever ready to live in, I don't have the time neither the guts to spend my energy in reforming the crap I've been seeing.
  17. mariano-BCN

    Looking For A Flat To Buy

    I wish you're right Matiasba, but people have been saying prices would be drop for the last few years and a recession is coming but nothing happened so far: prices don't drop, I'm still amazed how much people are asking for their crap flat here (today I read at a site: 160.000 us $ for a 60 m2...
  18. mariano-BCN

    Paying For A Real Estate Purchase

    i'm also looking around to buy a property, a flat/studio/loftor ph, and have the same problem. I won't bring my euros into my Argentinean bankaccount 'cause they will be change at the official rate and therefore only buy from a foreigner or Argentinean with a foreign bank account. Completely legal.
  19. mariano-BCN

    Have You Ever Felt You Were Treated This Way...?

    is this supposed to be funny?
  20. mariano-BCN


    Phuket is one of the many places in BsArs where customers are treated like shit. And the food is bad, bad, bad. I always wonder why restaurants get away with this kind of rudeness. It's so anti-Thai to be so rude by the way.