Search results

  1. mariano-BCN

    Tango Instructor Recommendation

    I tried several but Guerry and Lucia are the best in Buenos Aires. He's Irish, she's Argentinean, they may teach in English and Spanish.
  2. mariano-BCN

    Default- Consequences

    I wonder if there's a devaluation of those of us earning in dollars or euros will be grateful, 'cause if the inflation keeps as high as it is, more pesos for our money doesn't make a difference. Or am I missing something?
  3. mariano-BCN

    Prices Properties Are Finally Falling: The Right To Buy?

    the reason is simple: I've to be in Argentina coming years, and although I've a low rent (360 dollars for a studio in San Telmo) I prefer to buy 'cause it's then mine and I can do what I want where I live.
  4. mariano-BCN

    Prices Properties Are Finally Falling: The Right To Buy?

    I started looking in the hood where I live, San Telmo, but for several reasons is this not a hood where I feels good to invest: crime is increasing here more than elsewhere AND good shops, banks and medical centres are NOT neither will be here. So I started looking in Almagro, Caballito, Centro...
  5. mariano-BCN

    Prices Properties Are Finally Falling: The Right To Buy?

    mmh, the problem for me is that I've a good deal for renting a great studio with everything in San Telmo for 360 dollars plus expensas of 624 pesos but coming years I've to be here in BsArs so buying could be a good option too.
  6. mariano-BCN

    Prices Properties Are Finally Falling: The Right To Buy?
  7. mariano-BCN

    Going To Chinatown Tomorrow - What Should I Buy???

    Not Tofu: it's as expensive as everywhere in BsArs, 28 pesos (the biological version).
  8. mariano-BCN

    Good Time To Buy An Apartment?

    Well, that's not true: I'm renting now a beautiful studio in San Telmo for 360 dollars a month, all equipped, with expensas (624 pesos) and light on top. This is temporary RENTING. Another issue is buying, and I'm saying sell-prices are far too high for the quality of houses AND taking into...
  9. mariano-BCN

    Good Time To Buy An Apartment?

    Sellers here are in a dream-world. I've euros in my pocket and have been looking for a place to buy around 120-130 k dollars since a year. I don't notice that prices go down neither, even if the market is frozen. People don't want to get realistic, you can't ask 1st world prices in a 4th world...
  10. mariano-BCN

    The Idiocy Of Correo Argentino!

    I went the other day to the Correos in order to send a letter with stuff my daughter'd forgotten when she was here. It was a carta certificada. The guy read the destination ... " esta en la lista" - "Holland is not on the list of destinations" "Proba Paises bajos -Try The...
  11. mariano-BCN

    Place For Fileteado Signs?

    I ordered three of them to bring as presents to friends: 150 pesos each, personalized. It took him one week to make it. There're several guys on Sunday on the Feria de San Telmo, prices are very different. There's a guy on the plaza Dorrego, at the backside and I like his work, he's the one of...
  12. mariano-BCN

    Going Rate For A Housekeeper

    50 pesos p/h including colectivo.
  13. mariano-BCN

    Netflix Or Amazon Video?

    thx people! And then again another question: there're many unblock services, which one recommend you? I would not choose an American IP but rather a British or Dutch IP cause I'm more European oriented. cheers!
  14. mariano-BCN

    Netflix Or Amazon Video?

    I'm an Apple fan, love British drama & BBC's, and doubting between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Which one would you choose? thx
  15. mariano-BCN

    Watching Us Or European Tv In Argentina

    while using Hotspot shield the download speed reduces from 12 mb to nearly nothing: 256 kb, impossible to watch TV. What's going wrong?
  16. mariano-BCN

    How To Make Empanada's?

    thanks all!
  17. mariano-BCN

    How To Make Empanada's?

    euh, thanks, the first thing I do is to google but so far I didn't find one day courses.
  18. mariano-BCN

    How To Make Empanada's?

    I can't find one or two days courses how to make empanadas (salteñas, tucumanas, whatever). Anybody an idea? thanks
  19. mariano-BCN

    Mercado Central

    Anybody with a car from San Telmo/Centre/Puerto Madero going to Mercado Central and willing to share the costs of the ride? I'm in San Telmo and very flexible in time.
  20. mariano-BCN

    It Finally Happened To Me -- My Ipad And Laptop Were Stolen.

    One console: you're not the only. Some time ago it happened to my daughter: we were in the McDonalds in La Plata, she went to the toilet, she forgot her bag with the Iphone. We went at once back. The bag was there, not the Iphone.