Search results

  1. F

    Correo Argentino To Send A Letter To The Us.

    A better question might be" what are the odds that the letter will get there?"
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    Lawyer Needed

    I would like a referral of a bi- lingual (Spanish and English ) lawyer. have been having problems with the administrator of my building and a few apartment owners.
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    Baexpats Live On Radio Monday, 20 April

    You can meet the "stars" of the show at Coffee Chat, this Thursday !
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    Filing U S Tax Return Online: Foreign Exemption And A C A

    U.S. citizens living outside the U.S. must their taxes by 15 June.
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    Which Makes More Sense/ What Will You Choose?

    Unless the rules have changed, since I left the U.S., at the turn of the century, Americans living outside the U.S. cannot buy mutual funds. However, there are many alternatives.
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    Good Cakes Places In Ba

    I think that the best bakery in BA, especially for cakes for special occasions is Dos Escudos. There is one at Montevideo 1690 at Quintana and another at Juncal 905 at Suipacha. They just might have the only edible chocolate cakes in town.
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    Buying Airplane Tickets In Pesos (At Right Rate)

    Sr Sleuth is absolutely correct.
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    New Zealand?

    I visited Auckland, a few years ago. I wasn't too impressed and thought that it was quite boring. Real estate prices are very high. The main street was flat, but the streets off the main street were mountainous. I saw a poster for an "art fair". It was held in a beautiful area of new townhouses...
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    Thursday Coffee Chat - 9 April, 4-7Pm (Palermo)

    I'd like to join you on Thursday. A friend said that she's like attend also. Next weeks' .C C should be In Estebande's backyard.
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    Exchange4Free Proof Of Address

    Why can't you prove your address? Do you live in a park? Don't you get bills for water, gas, electric etc. sent to your address in your name?
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    Anywhere Know Where To Print Something Off?

    Locutorios are a dying breed. There is one on Vincent Lopez off Callao. This is probably the last one in Recoleta, between Callao and 9 de Julio.
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    Contribuciones From Salary? Anyone Working In White To Help?

    Doesn't an employee in the U.S. have Social Security money deducted from ever paycheck? One must work for at least 10 years in the U.S. or for a U.S order to collect Social Security retirement benefits. If you leave job market in fewer than 10 years you get no benefits. What's the...
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    And Yet Another Question About Overstaying A Tourist Visa

    I returned from my last trip on 13 March, 2015. 90 days hence is 11 June. Can I leave on 12 June, the first day after completing my 90 day stay or must I leave on or before 11 June?
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    Positive Post On Expat Life In Ba - Beware!

    No Dr. Pepper? He works at the German Hospital.
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    And Yet Another Question About Overstaying A Tourist Visa

    Thanks. Back to the drawing board.
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    And Yet Another Question About Overstaying A Tourist Visa

    All of the questions about overstaying a Arg tourist visa involve weeks, months and years. I'm wondering if a grace period is ever given to those who are delinquent by a few days to possibly as many as 9 days? Is there any "grace period?" Since this is a serious question, I won't ask what days...
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    Salsa Teachers In The City

    If you can't find a local cooking school that will teach you how to make salsa, just Google "salsa recipes'.
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    Coffee Chat - Wed 1 Apr 2015, 4-6:30Pm (Palermo)

    I hope that this isn't an April Fools joke.
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    Search Engines That Use Low Cost Airlines [Eu] might be the best. They only seem to deal with budget airlines.