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  1. expat0tree

    American Treats

    you mean; alfajor, don satur, pipas and one fat pancho with half-dog half-rat meat sausage at one of those dirty caritos, right? don't forget to pass around the mate and suck on that spit-filled bombilla too, cheers.
  2. expat0tree

    Is there market demand for fresh oyster mushrooms (hongos girgolas) in Buenos Aires?

    I'm considering growing oyster mushrooms in zona sur and wonder if anyone has a clue whether or not there is a reasonable demand. I intend to grow them on small scale and market directly to high end restaurants and people who might be interested in buying small amounts on mercado libre but I'm...
  3. expat0tree

    why are there no HEPA filters available in Argentina?

    Any ideas why mercadolibre does not sell HEPA filters such as this thick one on amazon...
  4. expat0tree

    Dollar and Inflation Rate Predictions End 2019

    Lowering wages isn't done to improve the economy, the point of it is to simply free up available government revenue at the expense of your purchasing power so that the government officials and their extended corporate buddies and families can continue living a luxury lifestyle while trying to...
  5. expat0tree

    Paypal question

    Wait some years and you could buy an apartment in the flooded Tigre for less than that, Rio Parana doesn't seem to be getting smaller and authorities aren't in a hurry to upgrade the failing infrastructure there.
  6. expat0tree

    Paypal question

    Any idea which one of them takes the smallest commission?
  7. expat0tree

    Domestic Help - En Blanco? En Negro? help

    Argentina is a different case, in this country it's not so wise paying all of your taxes simply because most people don't pay them even those who can and should. If it were like in Finland then people would be happy to pay their share and know that all this money will come back in form of...
  8. expat0tree

    Paypal question

    You mean I can collect PayPal money at a physical location other than the bank? Please explain.
  9. expat0tree

    Paypal question

    In order to receive money from a European employer (dollar transfers) do I open an Argentine Paypal account and link it to an Argentine bank account? Or do I still need a NUBI type system in between in order to be able to use that money here in Argentina? I'm asking because NUBI wants their...
  10. expat0tree

    Dollar and Inflation Rate Predictions End 2019

    2.8% increase in inflation correspond to first 15 days of February alone, this obviously has nothing to do with lowering of the interest rates yet because those usually affect the inflation some months later, this means that the inflation is expected to rise even more in the coming months but...
  11. expat0tree

    Who has the best crystal ball?

    IMF is a for-profit international organization consisting of 189 countries, they promote sustainable economic growth but they are not responsible for such growth once a country such as Argentina decides to borrow beyond its means. All IMF can do is advice within the legal framework but without...
  12. expat0tree

    Who has the best crystal ball?

    Absolutely, but from what I gather, many of them are also shutting down due to poor management and waste of resources, there are ways to save on power consumption if things are done correctly and honestly, often times they are trying to sell poor quality half rotten or broken things to customers...
  13. expat0tree

    Who has the best crystal ball?

    I believe that was a total guess and a wish on behalf of Ann the devotee of Mr. Trump because nobody, back in 2015, not in their wildest dreams, thought of Russians going to the extend of pouring millions of dollars into online troll farms in order to sway the opinion of so many dumb-ass...
  14. expat0tree

    Who has the best crystal ball?

    Speaking of which, I was wondering why there are so many new confiterias and panaderias opening up and the cleaning lady in the building told me they are hoarding flour and sugar! believe it or not but supposedly they are filling entire rooms with various grains and raw ingredients. I asked her...
  15. expat0tree

    paro nacional 26/2

    there might be some truth to this because a number of economists are calling for a national strike because of the colossal lack of leadership and the worsening economic deterioration.
  16. expat0tree

    Dollar and Inflation Rate Predictions End 2019

    Trump is not wrong to sound an alarm on unsustainable levels of deficit but his aggressive tactics aren't solving the problem, the money raised for the wall could be put into R&D.
  17. expat0tree

    Domestic Help - En Blanco? En Negro? help

    While in North America the customer is always right, in Argentina an employee is always right even if they are nowhere near being right.
  18. expat0tree

    Domestic Help - En Blanco? En Negro? help

    having worked in negro i know that it is cheaper for you and more profitable for the employee but just like Northener said, there are risks associated with this decision, in the worst case scenario an employee working en negro can make unfounded claims against you and you could find yourself in...
  19. expat0tree

    Dollar and Inflation Rate Predictions End 2019

    For now there is no global reserve currency candidate other than the US dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen. The Chinese renminbi isn't mature yet but it can earn the status of a reserve currency in the future if China finally opens its economy (respecting free market principles) and allows...
  20. expat0tree

    Dollar and Inflation Rate Predictions End 2019

    As of now world's biggest trader China is slowing down; they are cutting on imports and dealing with their 250% debt to GDP problem, they are also under great pressure to open its books and stop its invasive technology-stealing practices, many economists are beginning to doubt their official...