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    will having a baby mean residency?

    i am due to have my baby here in buenos aires in a few more weeks. my husband & i are both US citizens. of course the baby will have dual citizenship but will this get us residency or any kind of legal status here as well?
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    Living in BsAs

    cool! i am going to talk to my husband and figure out what's good then we can decide on a date that will work for all of us. looking forward to meeting you two!
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    Living in BsAs

    hi brantley! i think i said hi to your girlfriend keri on another thread. my husband & i are also from LA and we are living here for the next few years or so. we are also expecting a baby in just a few weeks too! what do you do in the film industry? my husband is a cinematographer. he has been...
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    baby stores

    thanks so much! i brought a lot back from the states last month, but there are still some bigger items i need. i will check out the stores this weekend :o)
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    baby stores

    thanks for the info gaby! do know where there are 'el mundo del juguete' stores?
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    new from los angeles

    thank you aymaeda for your kind words. i am slowy adapting to my new home. i await the day i am totally comfortable here. hi keri. where in LA are you from? what are you guys doing here? maybe we can meet up for coffee or lunch or dinner soon?
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    baby stores

    i am curious what are the best baby stores in the city. like to purchase a tub, burp cloths, gym play mat, toys, pacifiers...etc. i have only found one called creciendo in belgrano. know of any others?
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    baby hand-me-downs

    hi, i was wondering if anyone has any baby hand-me-downs they'd like to give away. i am due to have my baby boy in 2 months and i'm pretty sure i have everything i need, but extra clothes and baby items are always nice to have, especially since the baby things here are really overpriced! i...
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    ¿Hablas Castellano? Learning Spanish in Buenos Aires

    a fantastic school with awesome teachers, reasonable prices is CEDIC downtown. they always hold staff/student dinners almost ever week so people can socialize. they are wonderful over there. here is their website. CEDIC SPANISH SCHOOL
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    Can I stay overnight in Foz do Iguazu w/o Brazilian visa?

    miro, maybe the info that you have might be enough. i say go to the brazilian offices with what you have (and everything else required, just in case) and ask them. that way if you do need the visa you can just go ahead and get it while you are there, and if you don't need it then at least you...
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    Can I stay overnight in Foz do Iguazu w/o Brazilian visa?

    yes! this is true. i am assuming you are american. which you will need to go through the process above. but yes, if you are from any other country i believe you don't even need a visa! thank you el hombre!
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    Can I stay overnight in Foz do Iguazu w/o Brazilian visa?

    hi, you must have a visa to enter brazil. you will literally have to turn around if you don't have one. i went to rio in may and here's what i had to do: go to the brazilian consulate. from what i remember its somewhere on carlos pellegrini. you fill out a few forms, wait in line, pay US$165...
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    Pregnant in BsAs

    hi maria, i sent you a private message here. thank you for responding!
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    Baby group?

    another meeting sounds good. i am up for whenever!
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    Baby group?

    see you all at 2pm today. looking forward to meeting some new faces. :)
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    Baby group?

    i'm very excited to meet all you mommies! it will be nice to get some input on delivering a baby here. this is my first and never thought i'd have my first child anywhere but the US! it's very exciting.
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    Baby group?

    i'd love for friday to be a big group. i think i am the only one without my baby yet. he'll be here soon though! :p
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    Baby group?

    of course! come on! :)
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    Baby group?

    perfect! 2pm on friday. and i'll be easy to recognize as well - i'm sporting a 6 month baby bump :D
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    Yoga in English (Iyengar Method)

    do you teach pre-natal yoga as well?