Search results

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    expat sandwhich night?

    What happened about this? I cant find the original thread
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    seeking lonely planet recent edition?

    I have an unused, as new copy of the latest LP Argentina I am happy to sell you. Please PM me and we can negotiate a price. I live in downtown BA Thanks
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    medical tourism and general money handling question

    There is another on-line money transfer service called Xoom which is cheaper than western union. Maybe a mixture of methods might be the best. Its probably going to be a hassle but.........welcome to Buenos Aires where this applies to most things!!!
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    The joys of english teaching in BA!

    Why did my post get moved from the new posts when others posted after it didnt?
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    The joys of english teaching in BA!

    I have been teaching here for the last year and a half and last year actually managed to earn enough to cover my living expenses. This year however it has become much more difficult. Then on Friday the crunch really came. I was teaching 12 hours a week at one of the big electricity companies...
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    Any UBA graduates out there?

    For my 2 cents worth.......I have been told that UBA degrees are recognised in Australia, but the private universities arent.
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    Buenos Aires events

    Yes a ladies get-to-gether sounds cool to me! Count me in.
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    Lonely Planet Argentina

    That was the price I was quoted in a bookshop in Corrientes. English books are much more expensive here. I paid much more than thqt for this book when I bought it here last year!
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    Lonely Planet Argentina

    I have a new unused copy of the latest LP on Argentina I would like to sell. Its currently retailing for around 190 pesos, so I would expect about 120 because of its condition. Please PM me
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    In Search Of Peru Lonely Planet

    If you dont have any luck buying one, I have a copy that you could borrow to get copied.
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    Apartment Security

    My concern is the portero. My friend had things continually stolen from her apartment as the lease was running out. How much is it to get the lock changed? Do you have to call a locksmith or can it be done by someone with handyman skills?
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    Teaching Ads

    Its almost impossible to know what to bring. The language teaching here is still the grammar based approach but as a native speaker youre probably only going to get the more advanced students as the beginners get the second language teachers(its cheaper). The classes tend to be more teacher...
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    teaching english online?

    Am posting this again to hopefully get some answers!
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    Any Aussies watching the World Cup?

    Yes of course Im going. Was disappointed that everyone disappeared and there was no mutual sorrows drowning session last time. Hopefully there wont be too many Ghanians present so we will not have to be polite to the opposition like last week.
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    teaching english online?

    Has anybody done this? Do you have any info on the best schools to work for? Im more interested in the overseas schools as the local ones dont pay very much. Thanks in advance
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    Any Aussies watching the World Cup?

    I am another resident ozzie despite the monicker. Looking forward to meeting on Sun. Actually havesome oz tattoos that I will bring.!
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    swap argentina for brazil?

    Yes but books! I have a brand new never used latest Lonely Planet of Argie and would like to swap for similar on Brazil. Doesnt have to be LP, Rough Guide or similar is ok.
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    Free Portugese Classes?

    Does anybody know if there are any of the above available? Preferably as close to down town as possible.
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    Looking for apartment for 6 months to a year

    Am also looking for furnished flat, but having problems because we want to rent for 9 months and many of the more tourist oriented sites have a 6 month limit as well as all the rent in advance. The spanish sites seem more reasonable or do they want guarantors as well?
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    Rusty English Lecturer / ESL Teacher from Perth who is thinking BA would be good :-)

    Hi Johnno, I have now lived here for one year so would be happy to meet you and talk. Not into writing lengthy emails. There is a little infor at and some of the archives of this site.