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  1. Patt

    Reiki/Shiatsu/Acupressure Here is a simple easy to understand video link to the therapy. It is 4 minutes.
  2. Patt


    I would be happy to help. My specialties are Chronic Pain, Toxicology and Endocrinology (hormones and women). I do a therapy that is not represented yet here in Argentina. It is a mix of things but best said it identifies the short circuits and reconnects them. No needles, no drugs, no...
  3. Patt

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    Fendi or Prada - hay! I am still trying on different looks - so much fun. In fact I just ran into my hairdresser on the street tonight. He asked how I liked what he did the last time. I hated the color I DID and told him - TAKE IT OFF! I closed my eyes (and prayed). On the street tonight...
  4. Patt


    The very first time I arrived to BA two years ago I contacted Carlos Trosman well known for teaching and writing here. He has a shiatsu school. This is the web site. I gave a short presentation there with limited language. I am certified AOBTA out of Cambridge...
  5. Patt

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    50 - left hub after 20 years - have the nicest relationship on ALL levels with a 23 yr old fellow that is the closest thing to my perfect match. Tina Turner - no but I have legs (cyclist) and I am the one teaching the Natural Non-Surgical Facelift. Count me in.
  6. Patt

    Photo Buffs want to meet up and safari

    Now that this weather is getting better are there any photo enthusiasts that want to meet up during the day and head out on a safari to different parts of the city just to shoot photos? If so send me a mail. I have a digital pocket camera and also a bigger one. I would feel better not using...
  7. Patt

    non-surgical face-lift workshop

    Due to a last minute cancellation there is a spot open for this workshop. Email [email protected] to register for tomorrow (Tuesday) night. It is in Cap Fed on the B line.
  8. Patt

    Looking for friends

    So ladies - What should we call the thread for us over thirty somethings? I was an avid cycler (thin tires) before moving to the city - I always liked the woman´s cycle apparel company called TEAM ESTROGEN - let´s steal it. I already have a seminar called HOT FLASH MAMAS so please don´t take...
  9. Patt

    non-surgical face-lift workshop

    Per request here is more info on the workshop on Tuesday Sept 18th´in Cap Fed. BE EVER-YOUNG The Natural Non-Surgical Face-Lift Smooth away unsightly wrinkles, reduce puffiness, release ugly tension lines, and lift up your face from the inside out. This is a fun and...
  10. Patt

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    I have several Argentine female friends that are single, intelligent, bi-lingual, cultured and they don´t have boyfriends. And many of their friends do not either. They have busy lives and also they have families here. Since they work during the day I do not see them for daytime outings and...
  11. Patt

    non-surgical face-lift workshop

    Last year I ws asked by people on this list to let them know about upcoming workshops when available. For those of you that do not like the idea of having plastic surgery to defy time, a workshop called the Natural Non-Surgical Face-Lift is being offered now in BA. You can go to the site...