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  1. P

    Reasons for getting out of the USA

    mini, Does it sounds legit and trustful or should I hire my own PI to verify those Department's data releases? Those Departments surely release something factual, don't u think? Otherwise anyone can pick on them. The "citygal" wants more factual posts - here we go...
  2. P

    Reasons for getting out of the USA

    How's this for a reason to support Arizona and other states? Does it sounds "non-factual" or fake to anyone?
  3. P

    Can't believe I carry an Arizona driver's licence

    Listen, Alzinho, the reason u're not "getting" the message is not laying in English semantics. You're either plain moron or paid intern to "blog" in here. Everyone is in clear state of mind of what is happening.
  4. P

    Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

    “AP- WASHINGTON D.C. -In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College . Released today, the transcript school indicates that...
  5. P

    Can't believe I carry an Arizona driver's licence

    So u're saying whities would never be checked out? Let me ask u pal. Is Arizona State has its borders with France or Germany? Or China? Then what skin colors near by? How in'tha Hell would you check legality of their citizens? By sending email requests? Or text messages? And what is wrong to...
  6. P

    Can't believe I carry an Arizona driver's licence

    What G.Sucks has to do with this rule? This is the Arizona people stance to stop freaks to jump over THEIR board and claim work spots, free education and medical assistance. Plus that idiotic "baby anchor" should be cut decades ago. Plus all the crime and "culture" from "friendly " Mexico. The...
  7. P

    Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

    What so-called "Obama socialists" are doing is they are pulling the "Act" first, and once it became a Law there will be all kinds of shit to roll onto us from all different directions of such "reform". The dilemma for every country is to support "those who in need" and to not squeeze too much...
  8. P

    Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

    Speaking of Swiss "public health care"
  9. P

    Reasons for getting out of the USA

    OK. Here is one more reason for "getting out of USA": Please pay attention to links and follow. Otherwise "someone" might conclude this isn't factual enough to believe.
  10. P

    Lies and Deception

    OK, here is some more to support of Mr. Riggs research and it seems to be based on factual data: I do realize that it is kinda hard to get over feeling being "had" by monstrosity and usurpation but by looking into every corner or direction this country...
  11. P

    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    You all, so "agreeable" with the "modest and intelligent guy" simply bc you have not enough hair in some private parties of ur bodies to conclude and support something healthy and radical for America. With your support or without, we, the people, will take over those liars and crooks.
  12. P

    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    Constitutional Party - this is the proposal: Pls, don't tell me that all of a sudden "an American" SaraSara will not going to proof that concept.
  13. P

    The real reason the US economy crashed

    SaraSara, please. "Watchdogs" are usually referred to as people who dislikes their "watched" counterparts, not their employees. From ur link: This is a shame again over the US officials and their contractors but not their "watchdogs".
  14. P

    Whatever happened to the Obama sycophants?

    ElQueso and FAS, let me disagree on this point: "... Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspective". When ideology based on national recognition and prevaliance it is irrelevant to mention in which interests INSIDE it would be based on or "play in favor to". Lets just stick witch...
  15. P

    Lies and Deception

    You're such a kid. He did not justified word "ownership" as an actual enslavement or proprietorship by the Law. They owe us by imposing forged and twisted Constitution, and everything else falls right after. He stated that we could not really fight 16th Amendment(Income Tax) bc we're not a...
  16. P

    Lies and Deception

    Dear opponents (with your pure understanding of “right” English in deep heuristic comprehension, emotional and logical stage of mind) and alike. Well did you follow the fella’s references to his stock of documents posted? Have you actually looked over these? And you’re telling me there is “no...
  17. P

    Lies and Deception

    Yep, thats pretty much known "stratigury" (as GWB once said on TV): to not understand. What else could you say? This candidate presenting cold facts about deception and lies, forgery of Amendments and Constitution in general. For you its not really big issues but I remember your post (that...
  18. P

    Lies and Deception

    I am listening to the guy over and over and cannot get where is no meaning or presentation losses. Remember, he is speaking legal language and sentences. Pay attention and u'll get it. Of course if your "intellectual stability control" is not rejecting him by emotion.
  19. P

    Lies and Deception

    Well, English is not my native language but I want to understand and I do. Yes, he is not a professional public speaker, just concerned fellow. But his work is priceless. Even Ron Paul or Ralf Nader ever brought these facts up to the publics attention.
  20. P

    Lies and Deception

    OK, folks, just listen to this fellow. He has all the legal evidences of so "scare-full" and forgotten, ignored facts over this forum. Then try to prove that there is and/or was no conspiracy. And I am pretty sure that this individual speaking English enough to...