Lies and Deception

ElQueso said:
BTW - I'm actually a government plant who is spreading misinformation to continue to keep conspiracies like this one secret.

Goddammit ElQueso!

Are you also the guy that imports dog shit from the secret CIA kennels and spreads it on the Bs As sidewalks at night while we are sleeping?

Dear opponents (with your pure understanding of “right” English in deep heuristic comprehension, emotional and logical stage of mind) and alike.
Surely they have the power to make sure this guy never even existed if there was such a long-running conspiracy from all of those who have held power since the 14th Amendment was ratified (or not as this guy claims).
Well did you follow the fella’s references to his stock of documents posted? Have you actually looked over these? And you’re telling me there is “no evidences”?? Man, even with my vague comprehension in English – I grasp it.
Why is it that no one else is doing anything about it if all this is true? I don't mean current politicians, but there are literally millions of people who would jump all over this sort of thing if it made any sense at all.

Let me ask you, “ElQueso”, as a “veteran” of this community of expats.
Why not the current politicians, btw?
How long time ago or when did you first hear about the US Congressional allegations to audit the “Federal Reserve System”? Kind of like what Dr. Ron Paul is up to with his HR 1207 and S 604 bills.

Once you've heard does that strikes you that everyone “knows” of what “F.R.S.” really is and no one ever speaks about it? Take a look back in 10-15 years ago. Have you personally ever heard about such private institution via TV, radio or print? Any discrepancies or suspicions about their activities, history of creation, major figures, etc.?
Btw, have you seen a “millions” of people who jumped with any sort of serious allegations “all over” the “Federal Reserve System” since everyone got knowledge what they are?

I’ve seen Dr. Paul ONLY with his bold initiative so far.

Unfortunately you lose Mr. Rigs where he clearly shows a difference in a “citizenship” jurisdiction and how everything else is following after. Did you get his explanation between “citizens” of a “municipal corporation”? And by making you a citizen of a “corporation” instead of constitutional “citizen of State” you and me became a property of that “corporation”. So this is where our citizenship was snitched off.
The guy says the 14 th Amendment was never ratified. Why? He sure didn't explain that at all. That's a pretty freaking big claim!

Read “Congressional Record – House, by June 13, 1967” doc in his references.

The reason “no one” is “jumping all over” this is that everybody was per-occupied with plain lies and forgery of EVERY historical incident in the United States.
And Mr. Riggs is absolutely right – it certainly takes some pretty significant amount of hair on someone's balls to stand up for things like that.
Do you recall the “Continental Congress” and how many times they were filing in all levels of the United States courts against these notorious “bail-outs” since 2008?
Damned! Where was all your “millions of people” who was "ready to jump"???
Do you know how many people who had actually “jumped” on the top of that issue?

And you, as well as our dear SaraSara and “citygirl” surely know about GM/GE food. And probably knows for the long-long time. So I do not see how you and any other proud and “non-conspired” expats are “jumping all over this”.
How about this – “… According to draft language circulated by the FDA, the U.S. will oppose a proposal at an upcoming meeting of an important Codex committee that would allow the labeling of genetically engineered food. Consumers Union and more than 80 family farm, public health, environmental and organic food organizations have raised concerns that the U.S. position will create major problems for American producers who want to label their products as "GMO-free”.”

With all due respect to your logical capability, I think you could clearly see where this shit is flying and when it’s going to hit the fan?
Is this “proposal” is sounds legitimate to you?
Pikto - I never said you weren't capable of understanding English. I said you couldn't think critically. Big difference. And again, I saw things flashed ont eh screen real quick. highlighted, and some of those things he didn't even explain as he was actually saying how we should be listening to him instead.

Again - if you take this guy's rambling rantings as "proof" - you do not have the ability to think critically.

I happen to like Ron Paul quite a bit, btw, as a Libertarian myself. In fact, Ron Paul is a Congressman from the Great State of Texas (my home state, if it wasn't obvious from the way I announced it). Paul is not a flake like this guy - he actually got himself elected to congress and has some very good points, including getting rid of the Federal Reserve and a lot of other things. But just because some other guy mixes up some facts together (some of it based on real stuff, as I mentioned before) and draws a conclusion does not mean that he has drawn the correct conclusion.
BTW - the 14th Amendment was ratified by the States that did not seceed from the Union. Then the Southern States come back and bitch that they should have a say. I'm not really sure which is right related to that, to be perfectly honest.

However, I'm not sure why they think they should have had a say. It might be that they think they should have, but they also started a bloody war to keep slavery alive (and, admittedly, they were fighting for State's rights vs Federal rights). So the Northern States enacted a change to the constitution which the Southern States had said they were not a part of and fought to be taken out of. So? They lost the war and I feel (I'm not saying I know) that they deserved to be excluded from that particular decision.

Also, keep in mind that 14 States came into the Union after all this went down...they ratified the constitution and its amendments when they joined. Even though maybe a bit questionable at the time, the 14th Amendment became ratified by default anyway.
pikto99 said:
Unfortunately you lose Mr. Rigs where he clearly shows a difference in a “citizenship” jurisdiction and how everything else is following after. Did you get his explanation between “citizens” of a “municipal corporation”? And by making you a citizen of a “corporation” instead of constitutional “citizen of State” you and me became a property of that “corporation”. So this is where our citizenship was snitched off.


cor·po·ra·tion (kôr'pə-rā'shən)
1. A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

2. Such a body created for purposes of government. Also called body corporate.

3. A group of people combined into or acting as one body.

4. Informal A protruding abdominal region; a potbelly.

A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs.
- IE: The US is broken down into municipalities grouped together to form a whole or corporation.

United States (from Wiki)
- In the United States, such municipal corporations are established by charters that are granted either directly by a state legislature by means of local legislation, or indirectly under a general municipal corporation law, usually after the proposed charter has passed a referendum vote of the affected population. (from WIKI)

The constitution does NOT say people are OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT (or any company)! It says we are a group of people combined together (SYMBOLICALLY, not literally stitched together) to work as one body (ie. one ENTITY) ie. the United States of America.

FFS! Words have more than one meaning. This guy is stoopid.

You're such a kid.
He did not justified word "ownership" as an actual enslavement or proprietorship by the Law.
(SYMBOLICALLY, not literally stitched together)
They owe us by imposing forged and twisted Constitution, and everything else falls right after. He stated that we could not really fight 16th Amendment(Income Tax) bc we're not a part of this "corporation" to begin with.
" ... either directly by a state legislature by means of local legislation, or indirectly under a general municipal corporation laws..."
The "direct state legislature" is THE POINT.
There was NONE. When southern states were overrun by "yankees" then surely they setup "truly" State Governments. Surely these "progressive" ones. And off course, in order to ratify?

And btw, you're just said by urself: words have more then one meaning. Did I have call u "stoop" just bc of that?
Btw, read this carefully, pal:
It has all the explanation that those "southern" states that rejected 14th Amendment were in the Union by voting the 13th. Read remarks of the former President Andrew Jackson.
pikto99 said:
You're such a kid.
He did not justified word "ownership" as an actual enslavement or proprietorship by the Law.
They owe us by imposing forged and twisted Constitution, and everything else falls right after. He stated that we could not really fight 16th Amendment(Income Tax) bc we're not a part of this "corporation" to begin with.

The "direct state legislature" is THE POINT.
There was NONE. When southern states were overrun by "yankees" then surely they setup "truly" State Governments. Surely these "progressive" ones. And off course, in order to ratify?

And btw, you're just said by urself: words have more then one meaning. Did I have call u "stoop" just bc of that?
Btw, read this carefully, pal:
It has all the explanation that those "southern" states that rejected 14th Amendment were in the Union by voting the 13th. Read remarks of the former President Andrew Jackson.

I didn't call you stoopid. I called the guy in the movie stoopid. There is no double meaning there although "stoopid" is less strong than "stupid".

I went through all the documents that he has on his site, including the one you quoted above, & honestly I don't see any "proofs", nor do I see what he going on about. Maybe you & I should sit down & go through it together. I'm actually quite serious about that.
OK, here is some more to support of Mr. Riggs research and it seems to be based on factual data:

I do realize that it is kinda hard to get over feeling being "had" by monstrosity and usurpation but by looking into every corner or direction this country is been steered its quite obvious that we've being lied on unimaginable scale.

Maybe it is hard to believe in any facts and readings but remember these crooks and thieves were boiling such plan for very long time. Only the Internet made it possible to release more and more facts that mass-media unable to control.
When I came here I did not even imagine how much lies and propaganda I'll be soaked into.
pitko99 - I am working on a documentary called “Leaving America”, and we will be filming in BA at the end of March. The film is exploring why, when so many people across the globe literally die every day trying to enter the US, thinking it is the land of opportunity…why do so many US citizens voluntarily choose to take their dreams abroad? The director, while doing some research, came across this post of yours and asked me to contact you to see if you would 1) be in BA the last 2 weeks of March 2) be interested in filling out a short questionnaire about your reasons for moving abroad and 3) see if you would possibly be interested, depending on his needs for the film, in being interviewed and be included in the movie. If you have any interest, please contact me at Thanks!

there are many Argentine expats who worked in the US for a several years then returned home and others who did not return yet. They have interesting informed views to consider in the research phase.