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  1. P

    Some hero breaks Berlusconi's nose

    I think my English semantics were weak, not info. I meant shot to death. All the rest of these clowns were shot to "show-off" the "strong opposition". When real "guys" would deside to stop someone - they will NEVER MISS. Check the facts.
  2. P

    Is Environmentalism going too far?

    Hey, I would never believe in bringing human and "dynosaur" in one time frame but how wrong I am: Religulous There actually some folks who preaching about such muxture. I wonder how soon they'll discover nano-tech shoes for walking on the water.
  3. P

    CNN does a story about Argentina's dirty war

    Just to poor some oil into the fire. I am not saying it is good. It is questionable for which side its good. But certainly doable and practical. History is full of it. I am afraid that might became one of the notorious “lawful retribution collection” after research. Look into Cambodia, Laos...
  4. P

    American healthcare

    It is just plain horror and chaotic outrage in ur country!! But hey, Bush'mans were in attempt to bring your nation down once with heroic push of re-naming "French fries". I know it did not go well... but Americans were intellectually occupied for a few days on that one! Pss. And we've been...
  5. P


    USS "Liberty" shooting by Israeli's was the shame of the US and what happened, my dearest American Patriots? How much we're the taxpayers are cashing into Isralies Sustainable Living? Or digging out of some very "respectable" asses "sioid" idea about Saddam's "yellow cake" purchases? 9/11? Bin...
  6. P


    VietNam, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Salvador, Somali, where esle the US did entered and it didn't brake in chaos? O-oh, the IMF is the Greatest Of All Time helper, dear? And of course the US Army and NAVY had never being used to "re-inforce" anyone's quittings from such glorous and truthful...
  7. P


    Trust me; there is no “class” in US. It’s not even country with solid believes or followings. I’d say it’s a market place, surrendered by waters and Border Patrol. So you’re trying to be politically correct and to not offend my Mongolian-slavic-sweden-uzbek-hispanik-german ancestry just bc...
  8. P


    "The first proposal for the World Wide Web (WWW) was made at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, and further refined by him and Robert Cailliau in 1990. "
  9. P


    Well, the tele-phonic technology was not invented by A.G. Bell. Of course every American will fly to the Moon without rocket to proof otherwise but Historical documents were found and released. Actually one German lab used to complete the principal test in 1847. F.Gill just holded on it for his...
  10. P

    CNN does a story about Argentina's dirty war

    When someone tries to corrupt elected system, the system resists. Sometimes radically, sometimes slow. What is wrong with this? Some “politically active” decided to play against current system, got busted, imprisoned or shot. How else would you fight your opposition? Ban them from their Real...
  11. P

    The answer to the world's problems in three words.

    No, the central planning is good, bc it will take under consideration the current situation, development of the situation in every aspect and effect it will produce on its own people. What we have here is far from the central planning. Or some special "central planning" for special people. Its...
  12. P

    Some hero breaks Berlusconi's nose

    Well, that shoe did not help Bush. And amusingly again, he don't give a shit about it. How many years no US President hasn't been shot since brothers Kennedy? What is this tell us?
  13. P


    Like what? Inventing Macdonalds and fuzzball? No-no, I know...There are a lot more. Let's start from the beginning, from that boat and lets go on.
  14. P

    American healthcare

    Indeed, strange country rules... How could you people survive in such hostile environment? The Most and All Time Prosperous of All will let you go even 70 hrs overtime in 1 week (basically it does not give a shit unless you're skipping taxes) with 1 week personal vacation (or if there any at...
  15. P

    American healthcare

    American HC system is a mega-crap. I've had some "fortunativity" to exercise that as one of their citizens. All the details in personal message.
  16. P


    Well, as ironical as it was, they also used to say that communist Soviets are drinking vodka from 'samovar" daily and bears are walking in their streets, Hitler was Lenin’s' little brother and Stalin was actually Russian Czar. And yes, let me correct myself it used to be said: "communists are...
  17. P

    Poll: 44% of Americans wants Bush back

    I think Dr. Ron Paul from TX too and I have no idea how do they survived in the same state.
  18. P

    Some hero breaks Berlusconi's nose

    2012 is our last hope
  19. P

    Swine Flue

    Well, I have no recollection of such "scary Yahoo messages" about a few hundreds of "swine-flu" victims in NZ. I am sure that Obama-driven "doctors" will pump such news through the roof. I saw one kid who was indicated and treated in our local hospital and after 1 week he played with my boys...
  20. P

    Some hero breaks Berlusconi's nose

    I've heard from native Italian that Berluskoni is a merger with mafioso structures. Just like Russian Government merged with criminals in 1989.