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  1. P


    In order to judge upon Chinese communist’s platform someone has to know what it is. Besides these “facts” that the communists were eating people, tortured anyone they like and constantly looking for ways to harm The Innocent West. U’know, all these “good old testaments” from McCarty and Reagan’s...
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    Senior Goldman Sachs people arming themselves

    Well, there no need to have any barricades on streets. People get educated now. There open market for tracking devices, evesdropping with all kinds of handy tools. So the everage Joe Shmoe will not going to be harmed, when someone will decide to get even. The question is when the population of...
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    Poll: 44% of Americans wants Bush back

    neither one of these puppets will make any better
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    Poll: 44% of Americans wants Bush back

    The Burning Platform The US government is on a “burning platform” of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon." David M. Walker David Walker served...
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    H1N1 Lab Created? Shocking Video!

    My humble opinion. Everything is dramatically manipulated in these labs. There is no honesty or fair judgement or even appellation. Does anyone wonders how to find out %% of nitrates/nitrides in fruits and vegetables? Right, we all supposed to believe that is up to so and so standards... But...
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    The Federal Reserve?
  7. P

    Obama - man of peace

    Well, not exactly, or to you only. There are alot of folks who trully blieve that US and "coalition" forces in Afghan there to chatch some Talibans or "Al-Queda" personnel. (for what reason????) The MasterSuperGrand BS that official US propaganda poured into open eyers is outrageous. The...
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    IOUSA - Deflation/Inflation

    Here is something to read for everyone: And there some of us who could at least try to fight the infidel: :cool:
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    Obama - man of peace

    Listen, you're maybe unconditionally happy to think that finding a good 'eatery" is the main goal of this group? You're in the political branch of this portal. Hello-o-o!!!:confused: Btw, I am "the white boy" and I am typing not against "thick molasses" color of skin of Mr. Obama. We're talking...
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    Revised formula puts 1 in 6 Americans in poverty

    Here is the guidlines for anyone who wonders:
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    Obama - man of peace

    To gouchobob. No, that was not my point. That proposition is beyond "point of return", unfortunately. My point is that any public "humble opinion" about Obama's socialistic intentions are stupid. To jp. There is no difference in 2 parties, nor they intentions to rule by their own agenda, not...
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    IOUSA - Deflation/Inflation

    Well, it is great to know all of that. My feeling is that its not how do they do things but who. All of this "economical" jerking around could manipulate heavy CNN viewers but in reality look WHO's doing and WHAT to drive these factors and indexes crazy. I've seen how these 3 morons (heads of...
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    Obama - man of peace

    At some degree I'd say Obama is not even advance anything anymore simply bc everything is already under "their" fingertips. There are some "hard-boiled" ones like North Korea, Cuba or Venesuela but they are just an itch for them, not really danger. After USSR has been sold out there is no more...
  14. P

    Charlie Sheen calls for new investigation into 9/11

    Btw, back in ages there was a website name and Ch.Sheen's "Questionaires" were ther in full audio interview. Some time later the site was down and disapperaed. Yes you could google it but something disturbing and kind of adult content" were placed into the "placeholder". Boy! What...
  15. P

    Barack Obama accused of making 'Depression' mistakes

    Great article! Thank you. I also heard that Saddam was on "Oil for Food" program ran by UN (with some scandals of course) and Iraqie citizens were recieving about $90/month per family with food products. Which actually was not that bad at all. Well, I just know a litle that it is not going to...
  16. P

    Obama - man of peace

    "... What??????????????????? Which "goods"?????? Another 40Ks of troops in Afghan? Multiple bailouts over my neck to "those who qualify"?????? And frankly - they do qualify. I thought that steering it's country to piece is kinda natural for any President. O-o-ops-s, I am wrong, our...
  17. P

    Barack Obama accused of making 'Depression' mistakes

    Well, no one mentioning WHAT really brought up the Depression. We all talking about "who" and "how" acts was taking places to steer along. I'd totally agree with redrum that super powered "team" is boiling the whole planet and you may see their "precious" work in any given country. Whoever is...
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    March in Washington DC - 2

    Could you tell me a secret of The Great Cultural and Economical Benefits for Norwegians to relocate 1.3 mlns of Iraqis to Norway in the last few years???
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    March in Washington DC - 2

    They are writing what they've been told to write. Otherwise - out, to collect State Unemployment. The only way to get anything alternative this days is the Internet. And how deceiving some of these "voices" could be used. Look at that shmako Glenn Beck, a voice for some social partition of the...
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    Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?

    I'd agree at some point but look carefully who owns most of the "bullioned" Gold. Secondly, not every country and not every province within that country may dig-up some gold or silver to sustain. Majority of people are not investors bc some other "investors", who already claimed these sits...