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  1. P

    Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?

    I think if someone will come to Nebraska (yes folks, there is a State with such name) or North Dakota, Mississippi (??) will find even grater bargains. I think somewhere in these states local landlords willing to pay you to get the property to receive some tax break at least. (kidding):D
  2. P

    Is It Time to Bail Out of the US?

    I'd agree at some point but look carefully who owns most of the "bullioned" Gold. Secondly, not every country and not every province within that country may dig-up some gold or silver to sustain. Majority of people are not investors bc some other "investors", who already claimed these sits...
  3. P

    Do fears of crime in Argentina reflect reality?

    I wonder about conceal carry of licensed fire arms in Argentina. Any thoughts, experiences of registration, purchases?
  4. P

    OBAMA Speech in Cairo was a 10+ AMAZING !!!

    In order to create "stimulus" jobs someone needs to have industrial brake-trough. And what do we see? O-oh.. Drill more domestically, plant more stupid corn? Scientists already reinvestigated (NPR reported for example) that growing, harvesting and burning these "ethanol" crops at electric power...
  5. P

    OBAMA Speech in Cairo was a 10+ AMAZING !!!

    “… intelligent, well-spoken, and powerful Liberal …” Well-spoken about “new way of thinking”? In regards of 146 000 troops in Iraq and 53 000 in Afghan? O-oh… I see. These folks in Iraq will not come together easy, huh? Is it surprises ur “intelligent one”? Protecting Ramallah oil field in Iraq...
  6. P

    OBAMA Speech in Cairo was a 10+ AMAZING !!!

    “Where are the real discussions?” If it is so clear that His DemoGracy is so clear, why not post something people will SIMPLY verify or compare, not “his” Photoshop artistry? What another discussion u’ve mentioned? Long “diplomatic” feeding Israel with billions of US taxpayers money for...
  7. P

    3,2,1 - Lets Go! Considering a move to BA

    "... Quitting a great job in SF to teach English abroad is no small decision ..." Sure this is once in a lifetime decision. Simple calculation and u'll end-up spending $23-26K's annually at least. And you said you were a "Healthcare Consultant"? In SF? And you are ready to toss ur "gold mine...
  8. P

    Argentina and Cuban debt

    If it was in dollars then most likely there was no real value behind. Just tons of high quality paper. When was Argentina in such tremendous economical shape to lend money? And under what kinda guarantees?
  9. P

    Lets try this again

    A-bit of friendly correction. Usually it's dogs. They have ribs similar to other "eatable" animals but cats ribs are rounded, so it is easier to catch. Taste not bad though...
  10. P

    Why Argentine Women are so Angry!

    "I am talking about beautiful, smart, very likeable women!!" Well, this type of female population is not subject to age restriction.
  11. P

    Just be careful

    Basically, ur thing should have enclosed electric teaser with automatically triggered discharger. Then, after u piecefully sit down for a sip of beverage of ur choice you should immediately put 8 meters of carbonized steel cord through the handles of ur bag and attach it to a nearest police...
  12. P

    is this normal behaviour?

    to syngirl: Sorry, we do not operate yet in Canada and S.Africa. I can try to contact out affiliates/interns. But then we would not be able to guarantee the service according to chosen option...:cool:
  13. P

    is this normal behaviour?

    Normally what u'll need to do is to meet another guy or may be team of guys who'll take the first one out piecefuly or with pain/damage/casualties involve. In some cases it does not cost too much. For example: drug that annoying moron out of ur place along with his clothes (on), cigarettes and...
  14. P


    Well, Mr.Chavez actually may very well survive and prosper. It is pretty clear that living by the budget will make not much difference in export prices decline. His public is not poisoned with extreme wealth anyway. So the rumors were mumbling about "quick collapse of Russia" by the same token...
  15. P

    Change we can believe in

    Folks, My theory is that anyone who has feedline from Rothschild and K, will dance appropriately to prescribed figures. Look behind the scene and you'll see who's choreographer. Look on surroundings, key-figures of the Cabinet, Congress, Department of State. So truly right guy for the change...
  16. P

    The ballot and the wallet

    Hey there, here is my 5 cents. Mr. Nader is awesome leader. I am actually kinda suspicious if his campaign were not setup as a "steam pressure release valve" by "those" big dogs. I wish that he is a...
  17. P

    where to watch election results

    It's all over, folks. B.Obama&J.Biden collected highest bid. Cheers to everyone.:rolleyes:
  18. P

    Argentine own goal

    "...HOUSTON - Exxon Mobil Corp., the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, reported income Thursday that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by a U.S. corporation, earning $14.83 billion in the third quarter...." Money should be made in both trends...
  19. P

    Energy Prices to Rise

    There are certainly mass destruction media "pump" in all of this "energy slams". Read this article and compare with what tv talking "teachers" were saying to us for years. (Update) Why Oil Prices Change – Part III | Elliott Wave International The author is just too polite to call those...
  20. P

    Galloping inflation

    "...Or are higher costs leading to higher wage demands which in turn are being passed on by business to the consumer?..." It's always passed to customer/client. No self-consciousness business owner will cut his profit margin. So London Interbank creates a wave on 4,3%, Federal Reserve following...