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  1. C

    Entertainment in the Form of Beatles Songs

    Love the Jack Johnson music! you sound terrific. please keep me up on your play dates so I can come and hear you. I will miss your gig tomorrow night though...previous plans. if they change we are there!
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    Squash & Tennis

    If you google earth Buenos Aires...northern side.. you will see SO MUCH ORANGE from all the clay courts there are in the city. I don't think you will have any trouble finding any. They are EVERYWHERE. but it depends where you live... I only know Olivos (there is one 2 blocks from the Borges...
  3. C

    bahia CARNAVAL!!

    If I were your mother I would tell you not to drive....and since I am not your mother I will STILL tell you not to drive there alone or with someone else (even if they had a gun). You did, however, make a great choice for a destination and a time of life. Aaah! to be 23 years old.... It is...
  4. C

    Which is Safer: Correo Argentino, DHL, UPS, or FedEx?

    From my International Exporting experience.... Choose the service that works best in the country of destination. Ask the receiver. For USA to Argentina I suggest DHL, (but I am not up on options in Argentina of late) From Argentina to USA I suggest FedEx (DHL is not good in USA) DHL does...
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    The Land of Milk and Honey

    TheJag will be eaten alive. Will someone be kind enough to clue him in? He will lose all his money, his pride and possibly his life. He doesn't have a clue. Somebody stop him.
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    The quality of haircuts

    that sweater around the shoulders "thing" is SO Buenos Aires! I actually do it in USA and find very few (Hilary Clinton does it) do it. It's a bit like collar up in the Hamptons. I wouldn't wear my collar up in Carolina but here (Carolina) they wear baseball hats INSIDE a restaurant....and...
  7. C

    Strange Things You (Would) Pack in Your Suitcase to move to BA!

    One electronic per person? I bought a car radio for a cousing from and it is packed in it's original box. Should I take it and repack it? I am packing here in USA as we speak to leave on Thursday and need your advice. White strips, aluminum foil and hangers are packed as per...
  8. C

    Festival Sudamericano Reggae

    Bron, I can understand why it was so easy for you to get booked. You sound wonderful! How do we keep track of you then? I would like to bring my younger relatives along to see you. Us older ones are a fun bunch too, not unlike most porten~os.
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    Former Miss Argentina dies from plastic surgery complications

    Parece que hay alguien en este cuarto que es un poquito sensitivo. Pardonez moi.
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    Former Miss Argentina dies from plastic surgery complications

    fear mongering not allowed. only the USA Republicans can do that....:-)
  11. C

    Cheapest way to book airfare in Argentina?

    It's very different than in USA. Everyone takes the bus in Argentina while in the USA, not everyone takes buses but almost everyone takes the trains. In the USA, the middle class and above don't usually take buses (except to and from airports to downtowns or from NYC to the Hamptons). Our...
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    any older expats out there

    I am a baby boomer....born after WWII but before the Korean War. I left BA when I was 14 and come back almost every other year... This time around I am scouting BA for retirement in 2010... pretty exciting news to my Argentine family of over 100! I will definitely touch base for one of your...
  13. C

    Buying Property in Buenos Aires

    I am amazed at the generosity that all of your contribute to help us neophytes. I am going to be collecting unemployment check and social security while visiting in BA in the next month and assume I can just use my ATM for withdrawals from my us bank account. does anyone see a problem for me...
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    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX?

    FOX is not more fair and balanced. It is looking to increase market share and that is all about advertising. MSNBC is on the progressive side and FOX is on the conservative side.
  15. C

    I need a bike (bicycle)

    I would like to know where I can rent a bike to ride along the river around Olivos to San Isidro? Also, what type of sportswear is decent to wear on the train. If I wore shorts, would it be tacky?
  16. C

    Robbed while traveling- experience & lesson learned

    In general, young robbers are not malicious, they are poor and unsophisticated. The best thing to do is to carry a "divertive" purse or wallet. Keep the valuables in your bra or underwear and carry a bag or wallet with "change". When you give them the bag or wallet, they will run away...
  17. C

    Looking for the best soul/r&b/funk musicians for local band (buenos aires)

    just make sure "Mustang Sally" is in one of your sets, OK? Good luck guys, may your dreams come true!
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    International Sales Consultants needed - Bs As

    be careful everyone as when things seem to good to be true....
  19. C

    Burgers this Sunday (Nov. 15)?

    this is exactly what I was hoping for if I moved back to BA. Thanks everyone for keeping things spinning!
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    Is any one else watching Glenn Beck on FOX?

    He is a royal jerk. He and Rush Limbaugh are entertainers trying to get market share. They are both losing credibility fast. They have been divisive and are destroying the Republican Party. (not that I mind)