Search results

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    Bringing 3 Computer Monitors to BA....?

    Has anyone else ever used this form? Just found after reading through some old threads because I'd like to bring an Apple Thunderbolt monitor back on my next trip. Would obviously have to check it and have never checked anything of that value before. Lots of threads on packing monitors in...
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    Has anybody done a TEFL teaching course in BA?.....

    I did mine with BridgeLinguatec in 2007. It's legit. It was fine. No idea what it's like now, though. I'm still friends with the host family I stayed with the one month of the certification and have heard they've changed hands/directors since then. No idea if that's good or bad, though...
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    If You Love Taking Pictures Of Buenos Aires

    Hi. No, I haven't participated, but I love the idea. A good friend of mine works for the organization and I told her I'd share.
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    If You Love Taking Pictures Of Buenos Aires

    ...then check out the "Photo Marathon" taking place on Saturday, Abril 5. There are prizes although not sure what they are! Facebook page:
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    If You Love Taking Pictures Of Buenos Aires

    ...then check out the "Photo Marathon" taking place on Saturday, Abril 5. There are prizes although not sure what they are! Facebook page:
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    What Have You Brought And Sold For The Best Profit Margin?

    Thanks ARbound. Talking about new items, though.
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    $675 Rt Houston-Bsas Til End Of May

    If you have anyone who would like to come visit you soon, I got a $675 round trip fare alert Houston-EZE on American with one stop...
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    What Have You Brought And Sold For The Best Profit Margin?

    Other than iPhones and an extra laptop or two, I'd like to hear about specific items you've brought back that have sold for a significant profit (if you wouldn't mind sharing).
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    Nikad I'm in the middle of doing it right now. Can I ask you again? Do you really know of anyone who has gotten anything deposited back into their bank account from AFIP after doing this (not just through their employer)? Since I filed everything on time, it's all appearing correctly in the...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    Thanks Nikad, so you know of people who have gotten it deposited back into their accounts? That would be amazing. I'm just wondering if it's too late, although I filed everything on time and had no idea it wouldn't work toward my income tax - just found that out a week or so ago. Thanks very...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    This is a whole other thread that I have thought about starting but also haven't looked to see if there is a recent one. I am en blanco and filed all my 35% retentions from 2013 but was explained by Adecco when I went to sign my last pay stub that the 35% didn't work towards anything because I...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    This was not my case if you're going by the dollar blue. I looked on more than 10 sites, Argentine and US, in pesos and dollars, with and without the "ZK" tax in the breakdown, and the prices were the same across the board. Which is what ignited my doubt in the first place. I have flown back and...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    Very well explained, thank you. You are very right. When I put in Dallas as the Sales city, for example, the tax does not show up in the price breakdown. But if I multiply the ticket total by the dollar blue (let's say 11), it comes out to the EXACT total I am paying in pesos, which does include...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    I will repeat: You can choose ANY currency (on the initial search page) and it shows the tax. So, here is a flight from EZE to DFW in dollars. Fare breakdown: Make sure to provide the exact booking and fare codes shown. Fare 1: Carrier AA ONE0MDQ1 BUE to ORL (rules) Passenger type...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    internationalguy, please go onto Matrix software and put it ANY international flight originating in Argentina, search, and then click on the fare (in dollars or whatever currency you choose). You will see "Argentina Retention Income Tax (ZK)" as discussed above...
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    Chocolate Chips In Buenos Aires ??

    Yep, Aguila now has "semiamargo." I buy the 1 kilo bag at Doña Clara and they do handsomely.
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    So here's the point. ANY ticketed trip leaving Argentina (flight, boat, bus, whatever) is charged the 35%. Doesn't matter if you are a resident, citizen, tourist, Santa's there whether or not it shows up in the fare details and no matter where you are when you purchase it. From what...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    Agreed! I checked on Matrix too.
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    Ok, no, of course you weren't charged for "international purchase" if you used a non-Argentine CC, but I would venture to guess that there is a 35% travel tax included in the total cost of your ticket since it's originating in Argentina. Do you have any way to access the fare breakdown? Because...
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    Help Understanding Flight Booking

    I just called my parents in the US to ask them to put in the exact same flight dates on Kayak. The same prices came up for them. My opinion is that these prices already include the 35% (I'm NOT talking about the CC charge here - I'm talking about the travel tax) because the price in pesos is...