Search results

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    Will This Baby Monitor Work? Voltage Question

    Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'm not convinced I need a monitor, either. The bassinet is sitting there waiting by our bed, so the monitor would be for later when Baby starts sleeping upstairs.
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    Will This Baby Monitor Work? Voltage Question

    I want to order a baby monitor from the States which says "Input 100-120V AC 60 Hz; output: 6V DC 400 mA." I have a small transformer that plugs into the wall that says it converts 110 to 220 with a 30V capacity. It'll work, right? I'm always afraid I'm going to ruin something :) This...
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    What Papers Do I Need For A Dni?

    Please. Use. Search. Function.
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    What Do You Do Here?

    English Consultant at a custom software development company in Capital. After that comes freelance translations, Skype classes, a muffin business I have no time for, and the odd casting callback and voice recording gig.
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    Six Months After: Ba Vs. Madrid

    robwerwe "Sometimes this place seems a little bit soulless. Lots of people yes but not that much to do." I don't how long you've been here, but I don't think anyone who truly knows this city could describe it as soulless. Not meaning to be rude, but that adjective falls very far from the tree.
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    Six Months After: Ba Vs. Madrid

    Enjoyed your post, starlucia. Thanks for sharing :)
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    13 X 18 "slip-In" Photo Album?

    Hi everyone. Is there some amazing store out there that sells a variety of photo albums that I don't know about? I refuse to let another year go by without my wedding pictures getting organized, and the only way I'll get it done is by buying one of those "slip-in" albums for the hundreds of 13 x...
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    Best Investment 2012... Hoarding Supermarket Products..!!

    Indeed. The Carrefour weekend specials buy 1 get the 2nd 70% (now down to 50% off on the 2nd, though) maximum 3 (3x2=6) has saved me a significant amount of money over the year...
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    Portable air conditioner? Or any type for sale?

    Good to know, thank you.
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    Portable air conditioner? Or any type for sale?

    We just got a quote for A/C installation (3 units and complex installation) amounting to a total we're not willing to pay. I had never heard of these portable A/C units but one of the guys who came to give us a quote suggested them. So they actually work? Anyone bought one here and can recommend...
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    Cheapest time for a visit

    Just wanted to give a shout out to Greg and say thanks for having posted this. I had heard about Matrix but wasn't really sure how to use it to my advantage. After you search, make sure you actually click on different boxes when the prices come up. Cheaper prices...
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    15 Reason Why I Like Ba Living ...

    My butcher is inside the chino market on the Viamonte 2000 block between Junin and Ayacucho. Don't know the exact address, but it's the only chino on the block. I rarely buy beef so couldn't comment on quality in comparison to other places, but I'm satisfied with how he handles his chickens! :)
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    15 Reason Why I Like Ba Living ...

    Ha, gladly! I'm close to the Facultad de Medicina Subte stop on Viamonte. He's actually the butcher that works in my chino. If your nearby PM me and I can give you the address. Cooking chicken curry with his chicken chunks as I type!
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    15 Reason Why I Like Ba Living ...

    I love that when I get home and I'm tired and the recipe I decide to make calls for chicken but I'm out, I can go right across the street and the friendly butcher not only trims off all the fat like he knows I want but also gladly cuts the breasts up into chunks if I ask...the whole time with a...
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    Why Does Everyone Here Seem To Hate Buenos Aires So Much?

    Chicaargentina, please rest assured that there are plenty of expats that do not hate BsAs...I would venture to guess that they are the majority and do not waste their time posting here on the forum. If they even know about this site, they come here to search for useful information, maybe sell...
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    Safety All of us who were here at the time took that news very hard, I think. It was less than a year ago. These incidents don't make me fear for my life in BA. They just make me realize that these things will happen from time to time and I need to be as rational...
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    Line A: Renovation!

    Anyone interested in this topic might find this video interesting (in Spanish) Siete equívocos sobre la Línea A Don't automatically think that the guy who made the video is ProK just because he obviously disagrees with...
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    Palermo Hotel For Visiting Parents?

    Not sure what are of Palermo you're shooting for, but I've had friends and family stay in the following and have all been happy: Esplendor Palermo Hollywood (showing prices around $100 a night) Dazzler Suites Juncal...
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    Rental Apartment Robbery In Palermo Hollywood

    The porteros have such a bad rep. Not fair for the honest ones, which are surely the majority (just like the taxi drivers), but this fact is what would have caught my attention. I have said it at least once before, but IMO having a portero is a drawback, not an advantage.
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    $11,000 For A Built-In Closet. I'll Do It Myself.

    No worries, James. So, I have now heard back from everyone I emailed. The lowest quote I got was 5400 pesos. Still not sure if we'll go that route. The price differences do make you I getting terrible quality or is the expensive guy just totally ripping me off? Or a bad mix of both...