What Do You Do Here?

A slave to some horses

What type of horses?

I used to be a global program director for an outsourcing company and also was director of the Argentine subsidiary company with 15+ employees. Quit my job last July.

Now I am a housewife of sorts and also helping out with the marketing of our farm and try to sell some horses (we breed and train showjumpers).

I will probably go back and do some consulting work once the human babies arrive and my life settles down a bit.
Am unemployed (retired), living with my GF in BA. Frenchie has me beat, robbing the cradle, GF is only 23 years my junior. My goal is to spend every F... dime I have before meeting my maker. Am a very lucky person. Spend my time doing as little as possible. Life is good.
Except 16 years junior.
English Consultant at a custom software development company in Capital. After that comes freelance translations, Skype classes, a muffin business I have no time for, and the odd casting callback and voice recording gig.
I don´t quite get the remarks on GF´s wives age? Does age really matter?

Since I often post on the forum ( I´m not expat ) I´ll oblige: I´m a webmaster, web developer, community manager.
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