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  1. F

    These are a few of my favorite things...

    My snobish definition of the word bagel has been whittled down by many a sad experience here. I have seen 2 places that serve 'baguels' one is Casa Mua Soler 4202 which had bugules con semillas de sesamo (sesame seed bagels) I will add that Casa Mua also has an AMAZING playroom for kids that...
  2. F

    Word of the Day:

    Hello everyone, As ex-pats, the language barrier can sometimes be a frustrating one for us; I hope we can all help each other in the quest for knowledge. I was thinking that this thread could be a great place for us all to share the favorite word that we have learned that day. If you have not...
  3. F

    Anyone know where some basketball pickup games are?

    I know that the student group BAIS (Buenos Aires International Students) funs a game.
  4. F

    Has anyone seen Dame Mani?

    Do you frequent any diateticas? They sometimes stock it is as well. If your local one does not carry it, ask them if they can get it for you.
  5. F

    Beware Robbery Attempts at Galleria Pacifico

    You are required by Argentine law to have id on you at all times. An officer can stop anyone on the street and ask to see their id for no reason. I doubt the police would ask tourists, but if that happens, and you do not have your id on you just pull your gringo card, and start speaking English.
  6. F

    Can the following be found in BA?

    I haven't seen horseraddish anywhere though.
  7. F

    We are finally here!!!!

    It seems like you guys are having a great experience already. It is amazing to me how many people come here and never even think of stepping foot on the subte. For a step up on the adventure try a bus ; )
  8. F

    Aerosmith South America Tour

    I saw them at MSG about 5 years ago. They are so fantastic live! I will try to go to this show. Thanks for the heads up = )
  9. F

    Any Ex Golfers Out There?

    There is a 'pawn shop'/'thrift store' on Scalabrini Ortiz about 4 blocks away from the subte that I saw had a few sets of clubs. They didn't look fantastic, but they existed. Also my boyfriend has an extra set of clubs and is not willing to sell them as they are a guest set; he is more often...
  10. F

    Baseball Fans!!! Up for a Fantasy Baseball League?

    As a heads up to the baseball fans there is an IRL league here, and we even have a US team = ) They are called the 'Shankees' and they play every Saturday. There is a bus that takes fans and players from Plaza Italia @ noon. More info on the team here
  11. F

    CUIT = wholesale?

    I believe the Vital you are thinking of is on Sarmiento between Gallo, and Aguero.
  12. F

    Chai tea?

    When I do my own blends I prefer to use whole cinnamon sticks, and cardamom pods, but I guess that is a matter of preference.
  13. F

    Dog Parks?

    What neighborhood are you guys in? Most parks are god parks, but a few have actually fenced in areas.
  14. F

    Greek Gyros Lamb

    I love this place so much! They recently (in the last year) added chicken shwarma to their menu, and it is just as good as everything else.
  15. F

    Chai tea?

    I believe Starbucks uses a liquid mix, but it is still pretty delicious despite all the sugar! I always pack enough loose tea from my fav. tea house in Tampa, FL when I come to BA. Have you tried looking in China town? I have seen a few loose teas there. Not sure if they would have it.
  16. F


    I really like the milonga that is over on Peru between Mexico and Venezuela (just a few doors down from Museo). On Wednesdays the cover is 15 pesos. They have a class that starts at 8 with 2 levels of experience, and two set of instructors. At 10 or so they have a huge +/- 15 piece band...
  17. F

    Can the following be found in BA?

    You can, but it is also quite expensive. They usually sell it in meat and cheese/wine stores. I would say the small bottle is around 20 pesos, and the larger one is 60. I have also seen the green one although not as frequently. I believe that California Burrito Company has Tabasco as well...
  18. F

    Best used bookstore in BA with large English selection?

    My favorite book store is in an Argie style 'mall' They have a huge selection of English books. It is on the corner of Santa Fe and Pueyrredon. If you are on Santa Fe, you can just see it peeking out from the downstairs. It is on the same block as the Pueyrredon stop on the D line. The...
  19. F

    Argentine Movie Recommendations

    I don't watch many Argentine movies, but 'Tetro' is about 3/4 English 1/4 Castellano, and is really a great movie that was set in and filmed in Buenos Aires.
  20. F

    Can the following be found in BA?

    I always take a trip to costco before I fly back to BA. There are a lot of things that I stock up on, but my main bulk items happen to be BBQ sauce and Peanut Butter. You can get Peanut Butter here, but the small jar that goes on sale for a dollar in the US is 27 pesos here. As for Mac and...