Search results

  1. Napoleon

    Are Argentines Promiscuous?

    I have an Argentine lady friend who went through a phase of dating two guys at once. Then when that relationship would end, she'd start going out with another couple of guys. There was never a second lady, just the two guys and her. Dinner for 3 Boliche for 3 Cama for 3 Lucky lady. I never...
  2. Napoleon

    Baexpats Bidet Poll

    Not a "CAT" per say, but...
  3. Napoleon

    Hand Gestures

    That is so awful that I wanted to punch my monitor. May Italian motochorros pay a visit to all who made that video.
  4. Napoleon

    How to get money *out* of Argentina?

    My old place in Buenos Aires always has a PFA officer in front officially guarding the illegal change house. I don't see them getting audited too soon. Especially considering the number of times I got brand new bills in sequential order, I'm fairly certain that several higher ups on in on the...
  5. Napoleon

    How to get money *out* of Argentina?

    My old cueva took Bitcoin. I'd think that you could take all of your money put at once with Bitcoins.
  6. Napoleon

    Airlines Restrict Ticket Sales

    So you're saying that "nothing will change"?
  7. Napoleon

    Do We Change The Clocks This Weekend?

    Argentina didn't change clocks for a long time, then CFK was elected on October 28th, 2007. Then Argentina changed clocks on January 1st, 2008. (10 into summer) Then changed back in ~March of 2008... during a time of massive upheaval due to CFK's attempt to raise Export Taxes AGAIN. Then...
  8. Napoleon

    Tawiwanese Overstay By A Lot 

    Does this mean that they can tell where your fingers have been?
  9. Napoleon

    Is The Reciprocal Fee Us$300 Now?! (Need Help Today)

    Thank you, but I will never have to worry about this again. (Praise Bajo) But I'll still be traveling with two passports.
  10. Napoleon

    Is The Reciprocal Fee Us$300 Now?! (Need Help Today)

    In theory, that stamp in your expired passport is still valid. You're supposed to bring that expired passport and your current one and everything is supposed to be ok. In actuality, I had a difficult time with American Airlines employees as I tried to check in when departing from the US all...
  11. Napoleon

    Tawiwanese Overstay By A Lot 

    Get her pregnant TODAY!!!!
  12. Napoleon

    Is The Reciprocal Fee Us$300 Now?! (Need Help Today)

    Thanks, I told my sister to figure it out on Sunday and then Monday and then Tuesday and then today she tells me that she can't figure it out. S#*tting Bricks! So then I'm trying to do it with an Argentine friend and we're getting one service that wants to charge US$300 for a meeting at a...
  13. Napoleon

    Is The Reciprocal Fee Us$300 Now?! (Need Help Today)

    I'm trying to help my sister get her reciprocal fee form because she flies here tonight and we can't figure out the reciprocal fee form. It seems to be US$300 now. Is that true? HELP!!
  14. Napoleon

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    ...almost forgot... If you're going to get that electric hub, then you'll want to mind your nuts.
  15. Napoleon

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    As long as you agree that all jay-walkers should also be fined, then I can accept your argument. I agree that bicyclists should follow traffic laws... up to a point. I stop at intersections where I'm supposed to stop, and then I look around and start again. I've done this in front of...
  16. Napoleon

    Buying A Electric Scooter: A Good Idea?

    KICKSTART your way into this: And then this: https://www.kickstar...urity-bike-lock
  17. Napoleon

    Sinking Economy: A Restaurant Closes Every Day

    Oh no you didn't just bring up cream-cheese sushi!
  18. Napoleon

    Counterfeit $100 Pesos From An Atm On Scalabrini!

    This is why I only go to cuevas. :-)
  19. Napoleon

    Where To Exchange Pesos Back Into Usd (Or Something Usable)

    Try EZE international waiting area. Hold up a placard that says "CAMBIO". You'll get some attention.
  20. Napoleon

    Venezuela: Mandatory Fingerprinting At Grocery Stores

    I think that I was fingerprinted about 3 times here during my citizenship process and every time I rolled my hand in tar. (Then again, I did it twice in the US to send in my FBI report... losing the first one.) Fingerprinting is fun... and dirty... kind of like...