Search results

  1. H

    Group forming: unconventional strategies for achieving personal mastery

    Great, Allan. :) Welcome! The first thing to do is to get your hands on a copy of the book (or the ebook), since we'll each need our own copy of it. Then I'll get in touch with everyone who's expressed interest in a few more weeks to start setting up our first get together. We still have spots...
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    Group forming: unconventional strategies for achieving personal mastery

    Hi everyone! For me, a big part of living in Buenos Aires is about challenging myself and improving how I live my life. I know that I'm not the only one, so I'm putting together a small group of people who are interested in doing some active work to make some real changes in their lives. Our...
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    Karate in Buenos Aires

    Nova I just saw your reply, sorry for not seeing it and responding sooner! I hope you got the info that you need when you visited the gym. If not, don't hesitate to send me a PM.
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    Karate in Buenos Aires

    I like this place, and it's run by good guys. They've got karate, kickboxing, and Brazilian jiu jitsu - all are good for self-defense, especially BJJ.
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    Book Club

    Is this it?
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    Book Club

    I'd be interested, too!
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    Budget vacation ideas

    Thanks Ashley! Pretty tight because we both earn pesos and don't have a lot of extra to toss around - so I think estancias or resorts will be a definite no-go. I'm expecting us to find lodging in a hostel or something like a week-long apartment rental, if we get lucky. We may consider couch...
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    Budget vacation ideas

    Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I are taking the first week of April off for vacation and we're trying to find a good out-of-town destination on a pretty tight budget without a car. I thought that with all the collective experience on this board, it'd be the best place to ask for advice! We're...
  9. H lessons..

    Hi Rossiebloom, any chance you happened to find a teacher? I am being inspired to take up the violin again and I'm looking for any advice on where to learn, where to get my hands on an instrument, whether there are any community orchestras or groups that welcome novices, etc... any advice you...
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    Printing Documents

    Internet cafes or kioskos are all over the place - ask in your neighborhood for the nearest ones. Usually they'll have you hop on one of their computers and print from there, so you'll pay a few minutes for the computer time as well as the printouts. When I do that, I save a few pesos by either...
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    Community gardens in capital?

    Hi! I'm interested in getting involved in a community garden / urban garden where I can get my own plot and start growing things, or, perhaps even just volunteer with the organization that operates one, even if I can't do my own growing. Does anyone know if there are any here in Capital? Thx :)
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    State of the Union watch party happening anywhere?

    Hey guys! Do you know if there's anywhere that folks might be gathering to watch the State of the Union address Tuesday night? It would be fun to watch with some others who have an interest in US politics. (As long as it's not just to bash Obama.) Thx in advance :)
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    Best US Debit Card (Not credit Card) to use in Buenos Aires?

    What the rest are saying - Charles Schwab! No fees, good customer service, and I can transfer money onlines from other bank accounts.
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    Best way of getting to Ezeiza

    Guys, just want to say Thanks for all the information! I feel sort of incredulous that it is so difficult but your tips help a lot. Gracias! :)
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    Public Transit from the Airport?

    Hi dima, you might be interested in this question I asked a couple weeks ago. The responses give a lot of good insight into the plusses and minuses of taking public transport v. remis v. Manuel Tienda Leon v. taxi. Have a good trip!
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    Looking for a basic apartment to rent

    Hi everyone! My boyfriend & I are looking for a basic apartment in Capital starting in February. Someplace not-too-fancy with 1 or 2 bedrooms, furnished, and temporary because we don't have a guarantia. We're good tenants that live pretty quietly, we'd take good care of the place, and we'd...
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    Best way of getting to Ezeiza

    I'm flying out of the Ezeiza airport in a couple of weeks. What's it like these days to get there from the city? (And to get back into the city when I return, too?) These posts have some great information but they're more than a year old: How do you get to EZE? (Remis, taxi, bus...) Getting...
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    Income Taxes in the US & Argentina

    Hey guys - it took me a few days to be able to get back on here, just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for the guidance. I really had no idea where to even begin, and what you've told me has given me a great starting point. Of course if anyone else has more experience or advice or tips, please...
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    Income Taxes in the US & Argentina

    Hey guys! So this year I started a job here in Argentina. (en blanco, temporary residency visa, etc.) I've also had some freelance income from a US company thanks to some work I've done via the Internet. I'm hoping to do my income taxes myself, like I've done in past years, so I can avoid...
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    Cell Phone for sale

    Hi greerman29! Have you sold your phone yet? I need a replacement phone (Movistar or without carrier) after mine was stolen and I was hoping for a used one, because I can't really afford anything fancy. :) I could meet you an evening this week or even today. Either way, let me know! Thanks.