Search results

  1. H

    okey, i'm new and I have something to say

    Hi everyone! Just want to check and see if someone has had experience working with EmergingCast by now and could post a review of the experience? I see on Craigslist that they are still hiring reviewers to do work and I'm interested in it, but cautious, and I have yet to see a comment on this...
  2. H

    Surge Protector help

    I'm finally getting myself in gear and planning to get myself something to protect my computer, like I should've done long ago. I'm most tempted to follow CaptDave's advice and get a UPS - but can anyone advise me where to find one? If anyone can suggest something else that protects from both...
  3. H

    Crafty People?

    OK! Great! Looking forward to it. :)
  4. H

    Dealing with Homesickness

    Hi Lauren - I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so down and scared about leaving your family and returning to BA. I am certain that I'll have the same feelings when I make a visit home later this year and I've been dreading it, too. I don't know about you, but I constantly struggle with the...
  5. H

    Next Buenos Aires Hash Run This Sunday

    Not going to make it out, afterall... stayed out too late tonight. But I am looking forward to the next one. :) Have fun! Enjoy the rain!
  6. H

    Crafty People?

    I'm a sort-of-crafty person... I love crafts but I haven't done one in *years* and I don't have much I can offer in the way of teaching, at the moment, but might I be able to join you? I'd love to get back into doing something fun and creative like that.
  7. H

    Next Buenos Aires Hash Run This Sunday

    Excellent, I'm planning to be there! Hasta domingo!
  8. H

    How to negotiate a job offer?

    Thanks for the input so far, guys. I guess I'm trying to balance a few desires: to not ask for too much, to have enough $$/vacation time to visit my family a couple times a year, and to try to earn enough to match my current cost of living. (I've been here 4 months, I live modestly, share an...
  9. H

    How to negotiate a job offer?

    Yesterday I was quite happy to be offered a job with an Argentinean company. It will be a great opportunity for me, but I would like to negotiate the salary (and potentially the offered vacation days, too). However, I do not know what is considered a "normal" salary and benefits for a US expat...
  10. H

    Best stylist for curly haircut?

    Reina, I would love to get Terri's email so I can talk to her. Do you know if she has specific experience with curly hair? And EvergreenGal, I will probably drop a note to Ryan, as well! I have heard great things about him - but same question, do you know if he has curly hair experience? Thanks...
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    Best stylist for curly haircut?

    Happy Friday! So, I have curly hair and it's time to get it cut. Can anyone recommend a good stylist that really knows what s/he is doing with curly hair? Those of you who have it know that a good curly cut requires a special technique to come out looking good. :) I've read through the stylist...
  12. H

    Latin America Sees its First Same-Sex Marriage

    I was so excited to hear this!
  13. H

    New Year's Eve: Let's make plans.

    I'm still figuring out what my New Year's will look like, but it's likely I'll be looking for something to do and getting together with other friendly expats sounds like fun! Thanks for trying to get it together and consolidate our efforts! I don't know the city well enough to suggest a venue...
  14. H

    Homesickness. What do you do?

    Thank you for the continued suggestions and encouragement! You guys are great. The days leading up to Christmas were still quite difficult for me but Christmas Eve (spent at a friend's family's house for dinner) and Christmas Day (spent on Skype with my family and then out with friends in the...
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    Homesickness. What do you do?

    Hi again, everyone. Thank you SO much for you continued comments and encouragement. I can't tell you how much it has helped me to read through your thoughts. Especially about the practical things I can do and about going easier on myself. It's too bad that with the holidays, a lot of things are...
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    Homesickness. What do you do?

    Thanks for your feedback so far, everyone. It has been really helpful to read what you wrote. I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling these things. But you guys really think it's worth pushing through? When you get past it, do the joys really outweigh the negatives? (Still being SO far from family and...
  17. H

    Buenos Aires is Beautiful

    pericles, I was thinking the exact same thing about the weather last night as I took in the public fireworks from the big terrace over near Buenos Aires Design. It was the perfect temperature, mostly clear sky with a cool breeze... heavenly. It was reminding me a lot of July 4th, actually! (The...
  18. H

    Homesickness. What do you do?

    Hey everyone, I'm a little nervous about posting this here because I know not everyone on this forum is sympathetic, but I've been hit by homesickness for the last week and I am just hoping to find some support and advice. I'm about at my 3-month mark (just did my first visa renewal). I've...
  19. H

    Zip/Postal Code

    I had a hard time figuring this out when I first moved here, too. Just go to this page (on the Correo Argentino website) and follow the steps to get your postal code:
  20. H

    What are Christmas Day & New Year's Day like here in BA? What's open and closed?

    Thanks for the tips, everyone. I really appreciate it. It's been nice to hear how some of you have spent past Christmases here, too. Felices fiestas!