Buenos Aires is Beautiful


Jun 20, 2006
The last few days have been heavenly with that perfect weather and breeze. Its days like these that you believe that you are living in one of the worlds most beautiful cities. I live in Palermo close to the bosques and the incredible parks which make this all the more enjoyable.

Still way too much pollution even on "heavenly" days and health trumps beauty in my books ;)
I do not know where you live IStar but the pollution is minimal atm. Try living in Santiago Chile, San Paulo, Beijing and other city of this size and its fair here.
From what I can tell, the pollution here is nothing compared to what it is in most cities in the the states.
Its funny but some members get off on trashing anything positive about Buenos Aires . I find the air here refreshing and the breezes regular and fantastic for cleaning the city.

The government tries its best with 6 days a week garbage collection much better than many comparable world cities.

Anyways its christmas and this topic is supposed to be lighthearted
pericles said:
I do not know where you live IStar but the pollution is minimal atm. Try living in Santiago Chile, San Paulo, Beijing and other city of this size and its fair here.

I live Coronel Diaz and Santa Fe... lots of dirty buses and trucks.
va2ba said:
From what I can tell, the pollution here is nothing compared to what it is in most cities in the the states.

Other than L.A what city would you say is more polluted than Buenos Aires?

I'm referring to air quality.
pericles, I was thinking the exact same thing about the weather last night as I took in the public fireworks from the big terrace over near Buenos Aires Design. It was the perfect temperature, mostly clear sky with a cool breeze... heavenly. It was reminding me a lot of July 4th, actually! (The ones that I spent in Boston, where the summer doesn't heat up until later.) It was a really nice moment, last night. Thanks for helping me remember it. :) Merry Christmas!
iStar said:
I live Coronel Diaz and Santa Fe... lots of dirty buses and trucks.

It really depends on your location. In 2006 I rented a temp apartment on Guise at Charcas (one block from Colonel Diaz). There were no buses and few truck and the air was OK. Santa Fe and Colonel Diaz are major bus routes, so lots of exhaust fumes are to be expected.

If you really want to see the results of the bus exhaust, go to Las Herras near Junin in the late afternoon. The air can unbelievably thick in the setting sun (yes, even in Recoleta).

Conversely, last year I was on the 16th floor of a building in the 300 block of San Martin (in the center). I was surprised how little haze was visible in the distance (especially compared to LA)..

Now, living in Nunez, I only encounter a lot of ground level exhaust on Cabildo, but there is lot of breathable air (as well as ample blue sky) within a couple blocks.

Like noise, air pollution is extremely localized here.

If you're unhappy where you are, just move.