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  1. B

    Blonde small girl in Buenos Aires. How dangerous will it be for me??

    Sorry, that was me. It looked quite tasty. I was not disappointed.
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    Happy cinco de mayo!

    So basically... a mexican festivity, celebrated in the states, that most mexicans (in mexico) don't even really care for. And attempted to be celebrated in Argentina now... Oh yes... definitely an excuse to drink beer and eat tacos :) Count me in :P
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    Happy cinco de mayo!

    Can someone explain to an argentinian, what the heck is cinco de mayo? Who celebrates it and what is it? Thanks.
  4. B

    i'm new to the argentine community

    how about coke?
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    New guy contemplating move to BA

    Seriously tho, that is illegal. They may charge the missing spoon, but not the entire deposit. And at least in Argentina, it does not matter what your signature is on. The law is the law and no private contract can force you to do anything you should not. So if you happen to sign something that...
  6. B

    Blonde small girl in Buenos Aires. How dangerous will it be for me??

    Not if I first stumble upon her and drag her to my place by pulling from her hair. ;)
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    Blonde small girl in Buenos Aires. How dangerous will it be for me??

    Totally! :D Now really, I'm argentine and kind of feel amazed of the level of fear, but I gotta respect you people. I will not come here and post "do not fear" :) To the OP - You will be fine, if you walk straight with a badass look in your face, and put an angry face at whoever guys talks to...
  8. B

    Where is home to an expat?

    I lived with my family (or near them) most of my life, and considered that was my home (and hometown). Then moved to Buenos Aires. Recently I discovered how much I like not being attached to "places" or "things". It's not an easy process, but events in your life sometimes changes your way of...
  9. B

    Job offer in Nunez - where to live?

    Nuñez is quiet during weeknights (busier on weekends) but it's definetily not THAT suburban, you are going to be fine. Av Libertador is busy all the time. Yes, Belgrano is nicer, but if you find a place at walking distance to your work, I'd take it.
  10. B

    I own an apt here and I STILL don't have a garantia?!?!

    No, it's not a joke. I believe it comes from the time when people could occupy a place and not leave even if the contract expired and while not paying any rent. And because of laws to protect the "family home", it got difficult for owners to force people out. And actually, I could not take side...
  11. B

    I own an apt here and I STILL don't have a garantia?!?!

    A third-party must be involved to be considered a regular "garantia". Depending on some conditions (demand, offer, economic stability, etc) you may not be required to have a "garante" with a property of his own, he/she could just demonstrate enough income. The key is NEGOTIATION and whatever...
  12. B

    Job offer in Nunez - where to live?

    I'd look for the very same area. Nuñez is fine, if nothing is avail then go for Belgrano. What's the address (nearest corner) of your workplace?
  13. B

    karaoke/food/drinks night out

    It's in June!!! Maybe it's an argentine idiosincrasy but I'm not telling you until one week before the date! :P
  14. B

    The worst pizza in the world?

    Also, Buenos Aires is the most expensive city in Argentina. I eat much better pizza for less money here in Rosario.
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    Monday 26th April Drinks Night in San Telmo

    Damn it. I'm in Rosario tonight.
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    The worst pizza in the world?

    I think the discussion started on how "tasty" or "spicy" a pizza was. Don't bring culture into this. Maybe if you are italian... ok, I can accept your arguments about how "true" to italian pizza standards one of the other is. And even so, I could argue that now there exists argentine standards...
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    The worst pizza in the world?

    If you are comparing food with arts, then I think I understand I little bit more on american obesity. You have food way overrated.
  18. B

    To everyone who lives in Palermo...

    You people better warn all the investors in Puerto Madero, because they don't stop. I've seen offices and apts. in the docks and they are all first class.
  19. B

    To everyone who lives in Palermo...

    Certaintly, if San Telmo is all you've seen, you have lots of Buenos Aires (let alone the rest of Argentina) to discover. The prettiest-european-first-world neighborhoods are probably Recoleta (go to Av Alvear for example), Puerto Madero (Av Alicia Moreau de Justo), Belgrano (by the Av...
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    Invisible Empire - Documentary

    Fair enough. But maybe I did not make myself clear. If a third party ever arises, it may start as a legit option, but it will eventually turn into a monster as much as the old parties are. If it doesn't, then the establishment will make sure it gets overthrown in subtle ways. So my point is...