Invisible Empire - Documentary

billsfan said:
Without watching the film, I can guarantee you I know prettt much what is all about. Because I've seen similar documentaries and because I actually happen to know a few good people in the alternative media.
I know that choosing the "less bad" sometimes is a trap, but attempting to defeat both the Democrats and Republicans IN THEIR GAME is silly.
I have no problems ackonowledging evrything that is mentioned in the docu: the corruption, the funding, the plans, the deception.... but to think that somehow a people's party will win an election in the US is dumb IMHO.

Yes, both parties are evil... ok, but I rather have Obama there, simple as that.

Anything else, sounds like right-wingers playing the game of "they are bad as we are" in preparation for future elections.

I wonder if the republican party is going to promote the film. It may actually help them a lot.

billsfan with all due respect, i'd be willing to wager that this documentary is a bit different than others you may have seen. in my opinion, it does the best job so far of connecting the dots and allowing one to see the big picture. why not watch the first 20 minutes and see if it peaks your interest.

when you say "less bad", you are still falling into the false left/right paradigm unfortunately. there is no less bad. there is only bad. again, they are all on the same team. it makes no difference who is in the white house. i am against obama for the same reasons i was against bush. neither work for the american people.

voting for one over the other makes zero difference. saying you prefer to have obama is like saying you prefer to have bush.

what is the solution you say? why not start with the very same democratic process that put the crooks in office. vote the bums out. how about voting for a party that is neither democrat nor republican next time.

make your voice heard. call your congressmen, your senators, your city councilmen and demand that they uphold and adhere to the will of the people.

we will see the rise of a third party at some point. it takes time of course but it will happen. things will more than likely get a lost worse as they tend to do before people are spurred into action.
redrum said:
we will see the rise of a third party at some point. it takes time of course but it will happen. things will more than likely get a lost worse as they tend to do before people are spurred into action.

I haven't watched the documentary yet (I note it's 2hrs+ and have put it to one side to watch when I have that much time to spare), and I'm only planning to watch it for amusement value - conspiracy theorists are usually good for a laugh....

Having said that - this idea that a third party will arise chimes as a good and positive idea. It may even happen in the imminent UK elections - if the LibDems get into a position of influence and successfully introduce proportional representation, there could be a proper shake-up in UK politics.
redrum said:
billsfan with all due respect, i'd be willing to wager that this documentary is a bit different than others you may have seen. in my opinion, it does the best job so far of connecting the dots and allowing one to see the big picture. why not watch the first 20 minutes and see if it peaks your interest.

when you say "less bad", you are still falling into the false left/right paradigm unfortunately. there is no less bad. there is only bad. again, they are all on the same team. it makes no difference who is in the white house. i am against obama for the same reasons i was against bush. neither work for the american people.

voting for one over the other makes zero difference. saying you prefer to have obama is like saying you prefer to have bush.

what is the solution you say? why not start with the very same democratic process that put the crooks in office. vote the bums out. how about voting for a party that is neither democrat nor republican next time.

make your voice heard. call your congressmen, your senators, your city councilmen and demand that they uphold and adhere to the will of the people.

we will see the rise of a third party at some point. it takes time of course but it will happen. things will more than likely get a lost worse as they tend to do before people are spurred into action.

Fair enough. But maybe I did not make myself clear.
If a third party ever arises, it may start as a legit option, but it will eventually turn into a monster as much as the old parties are. If it doesn't, then the establishment will make sure it gets overthrown in subtle ways.
So my point is, there is no real change possibility by playing the "choose-your-representatives-and-forget" game.
Hello redrum! I am working on a documentary called “Leaving America”, and we will be filming in BA at the end of March. The film is exploring why, when so many people across the globe literally die every day trying to enter the US, thinking it is the land of opportunity…why do so many US citizens voluntarily choose to take their dreams abroad? The director, while doing some research, came across this post of yours and asked me to contact you to see if you would 1) be in BA the last 2 weeks of March 2) be interested in filling out a short questionnaire about your reasons for moving abroad and 3) see if you would possibly be interested, depending on his needs for the film, in being interviewed and be included in the movie. If you have any interest, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!
redrum said:
at the top, the 2 parties are one in the same. they both work for the same team. from clinton to bush to obama - the presidents change but the agenda stays the same.

I'm out of my league here, but is it bad to have an agenda or plan that's above party interests? I always thought continuity is a pillar for progress. I wish we could have some here one day...
Hache said:
I'm out of my league here, but is it bad to have an agenda or plan that's above party interests? I always thought continuity is a pillar for progress. I wish we could have some here one day...

Obama got elected precisely because he promised he wouldn't continue Bush's policies. So promising your constituents one thing, but not telling them about your secret agenda, is obviously not a good thing.
xibeca said:
Obama got elected precisely because he promised he wouldn't continue Bush's policies. So promising your constituents one thing, but not telling them about your secret agenda, is obviously not a good thing.

He did tell some half-lies but most of the time his rhetoric was couched in vague and anodyne generalities (which is par for the course for US politicians). When pressed for concrete responses he would reluctantly state a Bush-like position. I think the issue is more a bunch of brain-dead self-deluding progressives and liberals who read into Obama what was never there: a progressive. Voices in the wilderness (for example, Glen Ford in the "Black Agenda Report") pointed this out but no-one wanted to listen.
True, he mostly just used the word change all the time. People believe in what they want to believe in, and that is especially true for people on this forum.
xibeca said:
True, he mostly just used the word change all the time. People believe in what they want to believe in, and that is especially true for people on this forum.

"Hope" and "change." With that other bum boy, John Kerry, it was "We can do better." The two parties don't offer differing ideologies: it's the same ideology with some cosmetic differences in implementation. The two-party system is in effect a one-party system.