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  1. gpop

    Cristina Went To Court....

    A doctor certificate - late for 3 hours to avoid being anywhere near Baez - hmmm. That doctors appointment wasn't to pump her face full of botox so the judge wouldn't see her face twitch when she lied... i mean testified was it? :rolleyes: And finally they didn't find what they were looking for...
  2. gpop

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    I don't think it bloody matters what legislation is passed. If someone wants to aquire a firearm and ammo of any kind they will find the means. I don't suppose gang members are applying for permits are they? If some teenager can get ahold of a weapon or explosive materials, then I'm sure anyone...
  3. gpop

    Cristina Went To Court....

    I saw the title of this post and I immediately thought: 'Uh-oh, gonnna be a be a long thread! Buckle up folks; this is is prone to be a media circus.' Really, how WOULDN'T it be :P I keep imagining CFK as Charlie and her horde of oompa loompas running around stashing cash in every nook and...
  4. gpop

    Venezuela Good Times...

    As soon as I see "socialism" my mind automatically goes to "the bread line". For all the western nations with left-leaning socialist groups spewing doctrine promising equality and a better life for the laborer... Well, they've never been in one of the eastern-bloc mines between the 50's and the...
  5. gpop

    Interesting Story With Buenos Aires Connection...

    Sadly, this is not the first, and probably not the last. This forum has seen it's share of 'questionable' to down-right criminal types.
  6. gpop

    Brexit Wtf!

    too little too late:
  7. gpop

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    I don't know about other ideas - mine has always been that leadership should be like jury duty; a civic service without glory or tangible reward. It's too appealing to some to 'lead' others (at any level of government) and gain wealth and power, so make it so that service to your country pays a...
  8. gpop

    Another Mass Shooting In The Us...

    woha there... hold on a minute. Canada also gets something else from the US, it's media. Most Canadian cities are fairly close to US borders and catch US broadcast (nevermind the cable content) that rife with dacades of hollywood glorified violence. Canadians are not the same as US Americans...
  9. gpop

    Is Democracy A Failed System ?

    Democracy was a good idea corrupted by crooked people. So was communism for that matter. Idealistically you could argue that any political system is/was a good idea. All have flaws and all have merits. The constants are people and people who know how to exploit other people. It's always the...
  10. gpop

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    I am aware of this, but this all just stinks of Christina sacrificing a pawn as she makes off with a gazillion dollars while everyone is salivating over what this case will yield. Even if Lopez rats on everyone involved, the biggest chunks of loot, and Christina will dissapear.
  11. gpop

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    Let's face it, these are still relatively "small fry" as compared to the landing the great white whale, the Moby Dick in all of this. Christina herself, served on a platter. All those underlings are getting caught with (to me) seems like relatively 'smallish' amounts. The tip of the iceberg is...
  12. gpop

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    Hold on a minute; hallucinations are quite common for withdrawal symptoms such as sudden removal of a constant stream of cash... could be legit. :P This case, like most things here is ballooning into the usual hyperbole to create such a confusing farce that people will only really pay attention...
  13. gpop

    Ex-Official Arrested Hiding Bags With Us$ 5-8 Million, Gun

    I don't know what's worse, the criminals who finally get exposed or those fanatics who defend them despite repeated, and damding evidence. I'm watching now [telefe] as those same Kult idiots selectively support (read: dancing around the facts) the claim that those being caught are rogue and...
  14. gpop

    Hot Sauce

    5-7-5... that's better: if tobasco found Argies weak tongues and arses bathroom bound, cussing.
  15. gpop

    Hot Sauce

    hot sauce haiku (sort of... 1 sylibal short :P ): hot sauce impossible dream these are not really latinos.
  16. gpop


    I do that with Allspice; or here known as Pimienta Jamaicana. The wife always asks me why I buy so much, the answer is "why do you like my cooking so much?" -- 1+1=? My thinking is 'get it while you can. The price or availability will not be constant'. With a name like Pimienta Jamaicana -...
  17. gpop

    Relocation To Ba

    This type of question comes up often. Seriously, take a fact-finding trip and then decide.There have been scores of people who've left when the money ran out, or jobs were not available, or a combination of things just didn't add up to what they expected. Searching/Reading this forum you will...
  18. gpop

    Ba Vs The World

    HEHEHE yeah... not for woodworking it hasn't. For one i work on my terrazza, so it sucks for any power tools :P and B) wood and humidity.!
  19. gpop

    Ba Vs The World

    To be fair, the weather here the last few weeks have been pretty disgusting also. Boring is only boring for those seeking a lifestyle that demands constant stimulation of some sort. I am inclined to agree with Steve - the place where I live should be as uneventful as possible. If I need...