Search results

  1. gpop

    Hamburg Bans Single Use Coffee Pods...

    I think that they like to APPEAR to be showing their 'greeness', but I've not seen any evidence that there exists a facility that does the actual sorting and recycling. I've seen some collection depots, but even those seem woefully unprepared.
  2. gpop

    Hamburg Bans Single Use Coffee Pods...

    or there are reusable systems http://articulo.merc...ble-sealpod-_JM I have the Senseo machine and got a CoffeeDuck filter. The amount of money I save by grinding the beans, making my own 'shots' is phenomenal! And I just dump the coffee grounds in a big planter and mix it up into the soil...
  3. gpop

    Attn Young People: <35 Yo

    ahem.... so the threshold of youth is 35 is it? SMH!
  4. gpop

    Has It Always Been So Bad?

    o_0 so the option is to either die (assuredly) in mad traffic or potentially die and loose your stuff to a thief... but maybe you live and just loose your stuff? sounds like you came out on top. kudos on not dying and keeping your stuff :D i'm not going to die to try to hold on to things, i...
  5. gpop

    Bike Parcelled From Overseas?

    I would love to make at least a few orders from amazon in the US for non-electronic carpentry items that I just cannot ever hope to get here, but even the idea of the mark-up and slimy aduana leeches jolts me back to reality. I await holidays abroad to bring home anything of value...and...
  6. gpop

    Has It Always Been So Bad?

    I've been saying this for years. Not so much 'poor' area, but more to the point - an uneventful zone, but definitely more integrated into a 'regular joe' barrio. If I need excitement I'm more than happy to travel to it instead of having it next door to me. Still, even my low-key area is...
  7. gpop

    Bike Parcelled From Overseas?

    My guess is that the bigger the box, the more scratch you'll have to shed at aduana :P . Luckily since it's not electronics and such, the inspector may have no interest in 'commandeering' your stuff. Honestly, I've still waiting on a recorded DVD since 2006... not even a heads up that it ever...
  8. gpop

    Taking Argentine Wife For Uk Visit

    To me it seems that no matter how "by the book" you are: follow a legal process as required by immigration/consulate, provide any and all the documentation and proof, answer all the right questions; ultimately the final say is up to the border officer and what his/her mood is on any given day...
  9. gpop

    The Home Of Great Salami In Province Of Bsas

    The Piedra Movediza; a bolder balancing atop one of the many crags toppled in 1912. The current rock is a replica. People used to put bottles near the base of the bolder to observe the movements and see the bottles shatter when it shifted. Over time, that bottle trick eventually disturbed the...
  10. gpop

    Has It Always Been So Bad?

    HUH? Was BA void of crime, corruption, and ignorance before December 10? It's the governments fault. It's someone else's fault... always. The common denominator is the people that live here. it's all good when there's something to be proud of, but when the shameful stuff comes out, it's someone...
  11. gpop

    Where To Get Bacon And Eggs Breakfast In Buenos Aires??

    Argentine attitudes to breakfast is really limited and quite frankly, pompous. If they are presented with anything outside of media lunas and cafe con leche, it's indigestible; so no wonder there is no acceptable options. Xenophobia cheated them out of the greatness of a meaty stick-to-your-ribs...
  12. gpop

    What Do You Call A Piece Of Hardware

    Retene Magnetico
  13. gpop

    Effective Spanish Lessons
  14. gpop

    Fines Just Went Up

    Clearly; there's less potential for a cop to extort a lucrative bribe from drivers barely maintaining their cars together, than say a swanky red Porsche. But the garbage collectors get in on this too. Even when I've properly bagged building-material refuse, the collectors fleeced me for at...
  15. gpop

    Car Towed Away, That's $800, You're Welcome

    the yellow paint is often 'custom' added by people enforcing their own laws... I've been tempted on many occasions to do the same ( because some #$%*ing massive trucks or buses are parked in residential area for extended periods... and those that have no consideration of their neighbors )... yet...
  16. gpop

    The Last Fpv Hurdle?
  17. gpop

    The Last Fpv Hurdel?
  18. gpop

    Argentine Car Savings Plan Lottery

    I think that people are lured in by what appears to be relatively affordable payments and the promise of a shiny new car. The small print is excessively complicated and from everything I've heard (and read in Argentine forums), many people get cheated out of their cash. These plans are akin to...
  19. gpop

    Permanent Residency

    I just passed through Madrid en-route to Munich a few weeks ago. With my Canadian passport (and permanent res. DNI), Argie wife and kid in tow. I still had a tense little moment when passing through migraciones over there because the bad-mood border cop claimed our invitation letter could have...
  20. gpop

    All Politics Is Local. And International.

    Depends on what I'm buying. I prefer my speakers to be Bose made in the states, my Bosch drill made in Germany, and my Doc Martens made in UK. Sadly, the reality now is that these are not true anymore and it is very noticeable. Names that I value(d) for their quality have changed into much...