The Last Fpv Hurdle?


Dec 29, 2011
I was sure hoping it would crumble but I wasn't sure.

I read through a number of the comments and was surprised to see the overwhelming majority being happy about it, even among Peronists making comments and trying very hard to distance themselves from Kirchnerism. What I was pleased to not see were a bunch of Kirchnerist commentaries spouting hot, frothy air at the mouth like foam spewing from their nether regions or something, which I saw none of.

Maybe no more money for the "masses" to sit and get paid to tweet now that the Tuiteros Militantes, the Kirchner Prensa Propagandista and the Estudio Canal FpV (all made up names, BTW) have been shut down (maybe they got the last one!). Or maybe InfoBae moderates its comments and allows discourse, even dissenting opinion, yet not rabid slobber. Or maybe Bajo would say that the article's comments were completely censored.

It will be interesting to see what the 2017 elections will bring. Maybe more Peronists than what I would like to see, but maybe they will be more rational now that they've seen that the people, of most parties, have had enough of oligarchs cum narcotrificantes cum nepotists cum clientelists in power.

Peronists are dualistically militants and softies, both inherited from Peron and Eva. Peron didn't seem to me to have much of a plan, just a bunch of thoughts as to how things should be and a somewhat heavy hand to try to force it into that mold. Eva softened things and sold it to the poor. People like Cristina think as militants - it is a fight, a struggle, often against overwhelming odds, against injustice and inequality (set aside for the moment the fact that it's partly their policies that have helped cause these very problems) to better the lives of the poor. They become corrupted by their thought that they inherited something tangible, in terms of power and mandate, from the god-like figure of Peron and justify their actions by this.

As a comment said (paraphrased, or maybe a bit of an amalgamate of comments), Peronists need to understand democracy and know that Peronism has a place in democracy as a leader or opposition but not as the owner of the State.

I'd buy that.
As a comment said (paraphrased, or maybe a bit of an amalgamate of comments), Peronists need to understand democracy and know that Peronism has a place in democracy as a leader or opposition but not as the owner of the State.

I'd buy that.

Thanks for this. I'll try it on my rabid K amiga.
I can't believe BOSSIO is behind this! He's always struck me as an idiot -- maybe it's just the hair, someone get him a man's haircut please, he looks like a 5 year old boy.

Seriously though. Bossio?? Bossio? Wow. I just can't get over that. He must have been on the receiving end of one too many screaming phonecalls from CFK after the disastrous elections and has just decided to save himself from a sinking ship. I would have rather seen him go down with the rest of the Ks.
I can't believe BOSSIO is behind this! He's always struck me as an idiot -- maybe it's just the hair, someone get him a man's haircut please, he looks like a 5 year old boy.

Seriously though. Bossio?? Bossio? Wow. I just can't get over that. He must have been on the receiving end of one too many screaming phonecalls from CFK after the disastrous elections and has just decided to save himself from a sinking ship. I would have rather seen him go down with the rest of the Ks.

Bossio's wife was CFK's secretary at the Rosada, that's how he got appointed without contest...! They suffered silently for years under the whip of the whimsical mistress Cruella ....
Bossio's sworn statement though increased dramatically at the Helm of ANSES
I said it in December and I'll say it again now,Macri indeed " put the bell on the Peronist cat"
Hopefully it will shortly become the efficient opposition it should be
it's been a long 70 years but this should mark the start of a prosperous turn around for Argentina.