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  1. Peony54

    Un Oh!

    Yep definitely think the reason behind the whole article was to scare argentines
  2. Peony54

    Un Oh!

    One would think as long as you declare the amount and have paperwork to prove the valid source of the money you should be fine- but it's a gamble as much in the us as in Argentina where people have claimed that they can take a portion of that money from you even if its declared. Is there a law...
  3. Peony54

    Un Oh!

    I feel like the same thing would happen for an American leaving because they could be trying to get away with not paying taxes on it in the Us... I think it would be the same for any citizen leaving their home country with undeclared money
  4. Peony54

    Sesame Street Dvd's

    Oops sorry got cut of- program that is equivalent!! That should help you learning basic Spanish just as well!
  5. Peony54

    Sesame Street Dvd's

    No one I know of in argentina has heard of Sesame Street unfortunately. Though there must be an argentine child's pr
  6. Peony54

    Obamacare: Do Expats Need To Buy Health Insurance?

    Are you sure they don't need to pay taxes since their income is from a us company?
  7. Peony54

    Dual Citizenship, Work Visa, Dni???

    I think he means he's of argentine descent. So you can get citizenship through your argentine parents :)
  8. Peony54

    Vet Certificate

    You need to get the health certificate from your vet and then go to SENASA where they give you the documentation for traveling.
  9. Peony54

    I Want To Bring My Dog To Ba...

    I think it all depends on the airline so just call them and ask. For American Airlines I paid 175 for my cat was not told there was any difference between dogs or cats but for international travel they must be put in cargo ( for AA). A heads up though now they make you go pay the SENASA fee at...
  10. Peony54

    Purchasing Airline Tickets Online

    I don't know about the 15%- but he won't be charged the 20% for travel since you are flying out of Ireland
  11. Peony54

    Carrera De Traductorado Publico / Interprete Simultaneo

    I was calling about this same degree and I recall when asking about just going for a masters being told that you need to have done the undergrad or have the translator certification first.
  12. Peony54

    20% Fee Charged At Airport?

    I think it depends from where you buy the ticket. For example if you get it through the us site you might not be charged. For example when I flew to the states I had to pay the extra 20% for the charge of bringing a pet on the spot and I was paying with my us cc and I was not an argentine resident.
  13. Peony54

    Question Re: Commission

    Is two months rent pretty common for a commission? It's been a while since I've worked with a real estate agent and I don't remember having to pay that much (of course this is regarding a 2 year contract)
  14. Peony54

    Power Problems

    This happens sometimes in my neighborhood when they're doing work (not sure on what) and need to Cut off the power
  15. Peony54

    Proof Of Residency In Us For Ayuda Familiar

    I find it so funny that they are still asking for this certificate for people in the US when it doesn't exist. Surely enough people have told them by now that it doesn't!
  16. Peony54

    Kiwi Considering Move To Ba

    You can make gravy at home no need to bring it! :)
  17. Peony54

    On Opening Bank Accounts...

    Are you hoping to open a bank account to transfer funds from your home country or for your income in Argentina? If its the latter I wouldn't bother as income generally goes out of your pocket rather fast :)
  18. Peony54

    Dog For Adoption

    Aw it's my dream to get a big ranch out in the country and take in all the poor dogs that are alone in the streets it breaks my heart! I'm in the states for the summer but do hope you find a good home for her. Best of luck!
  19. Peony54

    Sube Card

    I also got my card in retiro!
  20. Peony54

    Looking For Laundry Detergent For Sensitive Skin

    I think your best bet would be to make it yourself. I found this recipe online but am not sure if you could find the ingredient equivalents in Argentina :(. Good luck!!