Sesame Street Dvd's


Jan 1, 2008
Do you know if there are Sesame Street DVD's available in Argentina in Argentine Spanish. I have seen Sesame Street in Mexico but Argentine would be better. I am still struggling with my Spanish skills and think (hope) Sesame Street might help :=)

Thanks, Nancy
Doesn't anybody have any kids that watch Sesame Street locally?........or is Sesame Street not shown in Argentina?
No one I know of in argentina has heard of Sesame Street unfortunately. Though there must be an argentine child's pr
Oops sorry got cut of- program that is equivalent!! That should help you learning basic Spanish just as well!
Its either Plaza Sesamo or Barrio Sesamo , depending what country you are in

You can get "grey" copies here

Quality tends to be good for copies
Not sure that what you're looking for even exists. Not staying current with present Sesame st. iteration but when my kids were of the proper age the show wasn't on, to my knowledge. They made me watch the frigging Teletubbies until my eyes and ears bled.

Anyways, whatever spanish speaking version you find is likely to be in some form of "neutral" spanish.

If I were to look for the DVDs I would start at Parque Rivadavia.

My advise is to take a different route. Immerse yourself in a subject that really interest you and with which you already have a slight familiarity. Try to pursue it further in spanish. Let the language be the means and not the end. This way you'll find most obstacles easier to sort since you'll be driven by a higher goal and likely less prone to frustration. Learning a language, any language, can be a PITA. Exploring what motivates you is a lot more fun.
A good option is to watch Disney JR or Discovery Kids. They have a lot of programs in SAP so you can switch back and forth to get an understanding of context etc.
I haven't actually tried it, but I understand some computer dvd playing software has the capability to show multiple subtitles. Seems it could be interesting to watch movies with English/Spanish subtitles going on at the same time. If you go that route I think it's going to be much more effective if you do some rewinding or watch the movie multiple times until you really understood everything.

My wife largely got her foothold into English when she was younger by listening to music - learning to sing songs in English and understanding the lyrics. Also she had a friend for conversation.

In my case (caveat - my Spanish still sucks pretty bad), I can see that my learning style leans toward reading. My retention is much better when I see the word in front of me. For that, there is a series of books put out by Clarin, which are classic novels in a penguin classic style, with Spanish and English on opposite pages. They can be found used in bookstores here and are very readable.

Anyway it's important to find your learning style. Lots of people rave about the Rosetta Stone software for example, but I found it tedious and did not notice myself advancing much from using it. The other thing that helped me immensely is becoming addicted to mate and spending some time every day talking to my mother-in-law, who doesn't speak any English. It could be important to look for the right conversation partner - in her case she is actually from rural Paraguay, and so speaks at a relaxed pace without a lot of lunfardo constantly mixed in. You probably notice that some people you meet are much easier to understand for whatever reason - enunciation, accent, etc. You have to find someone who is patient enough to overcome the language barrier with you, and creative enough to get the meaning of new vocabulary across. I think it's helpful on some level if they don't speak English, because then you're really in total immersion. Even after several years of being together my wife and I *always* fall back to using English because that's her preference and it's just easier to communicate that way.

Good luck! It's worth the effort and you'll get so much more out of life here if you can find a way to learn to communicate more fluidly.
A quick torrent search found:
Sesame St Elmo's A to Zoo adventure
Region: PAL
Idiomas: Spanish

En Plaza Sésamo: Elmo A-to-Aventura en el Zoo, los niños estaran a la cabeza del zoológico con Elmo, Zoe y sus amigos animales, a medida que exploran divertidos juegos incluyendo la identificación de letras, las rimas, la clasificación e identificación de color y forma. Los niños también pueden explorar los exóticos hábitats del zoológico como el acuario, sabana, selva, humedales y el..................