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  1. Peony54

    Mailing Forms To The Us Government

    when I was sending documents back and forth for my visa years ago I used Fedex... though I was able to do it through my work and didn't have to pay so I don't know how expensive it was
  2. Peony54

    K To Fine Tv Stations With Un-Dubbed Shows!

    Isn't this basically what they do now though? In the article it says cable and digital channels are exempt... I really only have seen tv shows and movies in English on cable channels..
  3. Peony54

    30 Days To Leave -- My Result Of Trying To Get Citizenship

    Im so sorry to hear that! I'm no expert, but is it possible that they just saw your status was irregular and they weren't aware that you were in the process of getting citizenship? It's been my understanding that they accept an irregular status as long as you are en tramite. I hope you can get...
  4. Peony54

    Student Visa

    yea, I can't even find a telephone number on their website, so I had to write a message to their contact page, hoping they get back to me, otherwise unsure how I'm supposed to get in touch with them!
  5. Peony54

    Student Visa

    Hey all! Some questions for people that have come down to Argentina with a student visa 1- Were you able to get accepted while outside the country? I'm looking at schools and most require your transcripts be authenticated in Argentina, which would be tough to do from outside the country. Is it...
  6. Peony54

    Buy A Bathing Suit?

    Class life swimsuits are of good quality and I think they are starting to sell more modest suits in the recent years!
  7. Peony54

    Mouse On Mac Erratic With Mind Of It's It Done?

    This just happened to me this week. It seems like the trackpad is stuck so its always like the left button is held down. I just turned off my track pad and use an external mouse which I was already using anyway. Don't know if this could help you in your situation though
  8. Peony54

    Make Up Of Our Ba Community

    29, from Massachusetts, living here with my argentine boyfriend and doing freelance editorial work. Been coming here since 2005.
  9. Peony54

    Public Breatsfeeding…

    Because, we all start out our embryonic development as females. :)
  10. Peony54

    Thank You Moyano. I Needed The Exercise.

    we went to Jumbo this Wednesday and there was Philadelphia cream cheese again! But still no Heinz ketchup... woomp womp
  11. Peony54

    Made Me Laugh...

    I like a littllle bit of DDL on my panqueques (Argentine ones) and on facturas, but no thanks on the cake and detest DDL ice cream. What really gets me is how every time I make a dessert I always get the comment, this is GREAT!.... but would be much better with dulce de leche!!!! :o
  12. Peony54

    Perfect Step Tennis Shoes A Scam?

    Yes! I (shamefaced) bought the reebok ones, and they did file a suit and won... They reimbursed us the price of the shoes if I remember correctly.
  13. Peony54

    Shipping Pets Requires A Private Company? Is This True?

    I think it might depend on the airline you fly with. I have flown with American Airlines with a cat and will be flying with them in a couple weeks with him. I have never had to hire an outside cargo company, they handle everything and he goes in a cargo department of the plane. Nothing seems to...
  14. Peony54

    Bilingual, International.. Home School?

    She said she does want to go to a high end university and wants to study law, so I think there's no way out of attending college... And I don't know if it would make things more difficult for you to get into those schools if you went for your GED. Your mother would probably kill me for bringing...
  15. Peony54

    New Limits To Extractions Off Of Argentine Ccs

    Does this in any way affect how much you can charge on your CC outside the country, or are we only talking about cash withdrawals?
  16. Peony54


    Is there an equivalent to Drano gel clog remover here? Pet/human hair always get stuck in the drain from the clothes washer
  17. Peony54

    Potential Problems With Argentine Friends House Sitting?

    I agree it would be a bad idea for your son to do this. Has anyone noticed that here "acquantances" will ask you for favors that normally you would only do for your best friends? I have had people request things from me that made me feel very uncomfortable and I don't always know how to nicely...
  18. Peony54

    Is This True?

    me too! Though why we would want to pay with credit cards is beyond me, I get charged extra from both Argentina and the US for using them, so only do it when I literally have no pesos on me!
  19. Peony54

    No More Usd Bills In Uru?

    I did hear this weekend(through friends not news so I probably shouldn't even mention it because I'm not positive :unsure: ) that they lowered the daily withdrawal limit to US$300
  20. Peony54

    Need Color Printouts

    Here I found it! FEDERALCOPY S.R.L. Thames 2443 - C.A.B.A.