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  1. N

    My Visit To Buenos Aires

    I like the bar bump in the picture. Very clever.
  2. N

    18 Years Old, In 7 Months I'm On My Own

    "High schools in the US" are as diverse as the US. You have Exeter Academy and the Groton School on the one hand, and Oakland Unified School District on the other. So your mileage may vary.
  3. N

    Getting A New Us Passport

    Jantango: there is no "USA ID" card. You probably mean a Passport Card.
  4. N

    Then And Now

    Agora o real vale 0.33 dolar.
  5. N

    Travel From Ba To Posados

    Tori, my eyes hurt from seeing "Posados" over and over in your posts. It's Posadas.
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    Holiday Nightmare With Despegar

    Next time, read the fine print. This is not despegar's fault.
  7. N

    Xoom Now Requires "cbu"

    Why not do a straight-to-cash transaction as opposed to sending to a bank account?
  8. N

    Changing Jobs - From Pesos To Dollars Question

    Talk to a tax lawyer. But according to IRS publications, which for some reason I can't link to (google "foreign earned income exclusion") your US tax situation shouldn't change based on the switch you describe. Income earned abroad is subject to the foreign earned income exclusion if you're...
  9. N

    Please Help - Old Dni - Trip To Us

    Ghost: re-read Bajo's answer. Sounds like you are dead wrong. EDIT: ok asshole, what exactly are you arguing here? That the OP would NOT be able to use their passport in this case? That is clearly wrong.
  10. N

    Please Help - Old Dni - Trip To Us

    Your letting the local mentality get the better of you. Take a step back and think about it. Can Argentina prevent you from leaving the country with your passport? No, that would make zero sense. Any international traveler would be able to do that. Countries can't hold foreign citizens...
  11. N

    Desperately Need Advice From Us Parents With Argie Kid(S)

    You're not aware that Argentine passport holders need visas to travel to the US? That's another good reason to get your kid a US passport.
  12. N

    Lost My Phone Saturday - Anything I Should Certainly Try ?

    ghost: of course it was. Just ask the fappening celebrities.
  13. N

    3 Years To Figure Out How To Make Money In Ba ?

    Try to become a politician. Seems very lucrative.
  14. N

    How To Fix My Irritating Landline Phone

    Turn the volume off. Tell the guards to leave you a voicemail.
  15. N

    If You Were The Next President Of Argentina

    Bajo: the US has nothing to do with this. As a lawyer, you should be able to see that responding to any criticism of Latin American politics with "the US does this and that" is a logical fallacy.
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    Surprize From Brazil Coming To Ba

    A classical liberal with strong philosophical foundations. How many of those do you think exist in Latin America?
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    Turkey Bacon

    Or real bacon, for that matter?
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    No Glass Jarito Please...

    Jarrito de ceramica por favor.
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    Xoom - Got Money No Problem (Well, Almost)

    Holy crap, that's the location I've used. But I always count, even though it's tedious as hell.
  20. N

    New Zealand?

    Hybrid: since you asked, let me spell it out for you. Your English sucks. It's terrible. Worst on this forum. Your posts are incomprehensible gibberish, unless they're accompanied by pictures of food. So the most reasonable explanation for any communication failure between a native English...