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  1. D

    Coffee and cake prices

    I think there's space for both commenting on rapid changes and how we're adjusting without starting a competition about whose the "best" immigrant. That said, I think long winded tangents competing over the prices of things in other countries relative to BsAs is unproductive. For me, I'm...
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    Coffee and cake prices

    I've been specifically following the price of greek yogurt for about the last year. One of the dieteticas I used to frequent was charging 32000(!!!) pesos for a larger container of yogurt (less than a kilo I imagine). I found a brand the other day that had 500g for 7200 and I thought that was a...
  3. D

    A coffee for $3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America

    All fair points, though I think when the dollar is stronger relative to the peso it can be a bit more of a buyer's market. Some seller will be squeezed and need access to capital (presumably) I've never looked into it seriously because it's not my priority right now, but a couple years ago the...
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    A coffee for $3.50: Argentina is the most expensive country in Latin America

    I make a very good US salary so I'm still a bit insulated from really feeling the pinch, though I've tightened my belt simply because I can't justify paying for something I know is outrageously over valued. In terms of packing it up and heading back to the US, the cost of renting and...
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    Argentina says it will pull out of World Health Organization

    100% gives that energy.
  6. D

    Javier Milei Infuriates G-20 by Rejecting Call for Gender Equality

    I've been saying Milei read Atlas Shrugged and made it his whole personality. but the book is so darn big that probably no one else realized all of the ideas he ripped off.
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    Does anyone else feel there might be a peso collapse this year?

    One would think. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already, to be honest. But I think there's also a whole generation of people who have learned to spend money as soon as it comes to them, and maybe that's falsely keeping things afloat for now.
  8. D

    Does anyone else feel there might be a peso collapse this year?

    I sometimes hear folks say "oh well inflation goes up, salaries go up". I don't think people have prepared thenselves for the scenario where inflation holds, prices continuing to increase based on how someone feels that day, and businesses stop increasing salaries since inflation isn't rising...
  9. D

    Chicken rules the roost as pinched Argentines eat less pricey beef

    I've also made the switch. Chicken and pork are so much cheaper and higher in protein that I ask myself, what's the point in buying beef anymore?
  10. D

    Bringing Argentine Wine to the US on a Plane?

    I've taken wine/liquor in my checked luggage to and from the states with no issues several times. I did get a talking to one time when I brought 3 bottles of duty free mezcal from Mexico into the states, but the migrations officer let me in with them. I bought this thing called jet bag on...
  11. D

    MAGA comes to Argentina :(

    From the US lens: Gotta keep the population high to have enough low-wage workers to support the economy and the billionaires standing on the backs of their labor. By making abortion and unprotected sex a moral/religious issue, they absolve themselves of any responsibility to take care of those...
  12. D

    Permanently overstaying

    I've wondered this too. Like, when I went to Brazil last February, I could see on the screen that they knew I had been in Brazil in 2017 (even though I had a new passport). I know on the migraciones website it shows just your date of entry and expiration, not any previous entry or exits. I...
  13. D

    Disappointed with Food in Argentina

    When I really want to rile up Argentinians I tell them that dulce de leche is just caramel with extra dairy. Like I heard someone telling some Americans the other day that dulce de leche was like peanut butter without the peanuts... And I thought to myself... You had caramel right there and...
  14. D

    How do expats feel about the Luigi Mangioni situation?

    Pretty cute for a vigilante killer.
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    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    I moved to Buenos Aires from Detroit, and I can't help but think, why steal just the spare tire when you can put the car on blocks and steal four more?! And maybe the catalytic converter too while you're at it! What these petty criminals lack is a growth mindset 🤣
  16. D

    How much of a problem is the language barrier in your daily life as an expat?

    Been in Buenos Aires two years now and have made pretty substantial progress (somewhere between B1-B2). I studied Spanish in high school but that was a billion years ago and probably never progressed past A2. I'm a bit of a parrot and am picking up the porteño accent (for a yanqui anyway). As...
  17. D

    Best Yoga Studio in Palermo? Can be English or Spanish.

    I often go to Mood Yoga. If you like Vinyasa, Elie and Beta are my favorite teachers. There's also Kurunta classes with Vera that are different but fun. The best yoga classes I've taken have been with private teachers though
  18. D

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    I didn't get alerts on this thread, but very interesting discussion everyone!
  19. D

    Where to find good coffee

    I am not sure if this is still relevant, but for anyone looking to buy good coffee beans that aren't Starbucks and aren't the insanity of Juan Valdez prices, Eurocafé is solid and fairly priced.