Permanently overstaying


Dec 31, 2024
We are very seriously considering moving to Argentina this spring. We are both in the early 60s and we would like to wait another 2-3 years before we start drawing from our US social security. And even then, we are not sure if our income will be enough for official penssionado visa. We should have enough for now to be in Argentina for about 2-3 years just using our savings. We would like to know what kind of trouble will we get ourselves if we just basically overstay permanently but without any official residency . It looks like it would be better to just stay and not even do border runs so we do not bring any attention to ourselves. So....what is the possibility of getting caught or deported, what are our chances of getting penssionado visa if we overstay 2-3 years, etc?
Been here two years now, no problems. Will get a DNI anyway but I’ve had no issues so far. So much so that I’m starting to wonder if the computers at migraciones on arrivals even show them your past stays when they scan your passport.
Been here two years now, no problems. Will get a DNI anyway but I’ve had no issues so far. So much so that I’m starting to wonder if the computers at migraciones on arrivals even show them your past stays when they scan your passport.
I've wondered this too. Like, when I went to Brazil last February, I could see on the screen that they knew I had been in Brazil in 2017 (even though I had a new passport).

I know on the migraciones website it shows just your date of entry and expiration, not any previous entry or exits. I can't imagine them not having a record (seems like a national security issue) but maybe they're instructed to not care unless an overstay fee hasn't been paid. 🤷‍♀️
I don’t think you will have any issues but you will be an illegal alien. Why would you want that? And please be aware that this country became more and more expensive than anywhere. It’s nowhere near the past years in terms of affordability. Now it’s like bad quality for more as opposed to last year where it was quality for less. Please do not burn the bridges and don’t commit to anything before having a first hand experience.